Chapter 27 part 2

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I head to Grayson's car to put my stuff away. Everyone decided to pack up early so we can leave after riding on Vinnie's toys.

Once I get there I move stuff around, trying to make room for my suitcase. "Wanna go for a ride once Noah and Madison come back?" I scream, hitting my head on the roof of the car. "Fuck." I mutter, crawling out of the car, rubbing my head.

I see Grayson leaning on his car, eating a protein bar. "You just come out of nowhere." I say, out of breath. He chuckles, shoving the rest of his protein bar in his mouth. "What are they anyway?" I ask. They just don't seem like the dating type. "Who know's with them." He shrugs, grabbing my suitcase and shoving it in his car.

"Thank you for inviting me, I had a lot of fun" I say kicking the dirt with my shoe. "I'm glad you came." He says.

I look up at him smiling. "I'll go on the ride if we sanitize the seat." I say. He chuckles. "Oh definitely. They've been gone for quite some time now, who knows what they are doing." He says walking to the trail. I follow him as we make our way back to camp.


I've never been on a four wheeler before. I sanitize the seat before putting on my helmet. I shake out my nervous hands. Grayson notices my anxious state. "You'll be safe with me, I wont let anything happen to you." He says, holding out his hand for me to grab. I nod, taking his hand and getting on.

He grabs my wrists, wrapping them around his torso before he starts driving. I scoot closer to him, not wanting to fall off. I yelp when he takes off, going faster than I thought he would. He takes a trail going up a steep hill.

The tires start to spin out as the road starts to become slick and bumpy from the clouds that wept the night before. I hold on to him tighter, not wanting to fall off. I look out into the forest, the green leaves turning into yellows, oranges and reds as fall grows near.

The wind whistling through the trees, caressing the rough, peeling bark. I can see the gnarled roots dipping in and out of the ground, making homes for the small animals that scurry under thick ferns and over hundred of twigs and branches.

As we get higher up the mountain I can see a small clearing, letting you see thousands of ancient trees.

Grayson stops once we finally got to the top. "I want to show you something." He says as he get's off. I take off my helmet, the raw earthy scent of pine trees and wet mud feeling my nostrils.

We put our helmets on the four wheeler before he leads me through the mossy forest. Our feet crunching on dirt and leaves. I can see sunlight peeking through, making the ground spotted. I can hear the birds flying from tree to tree singing a lullaby for the animals that live here.

We trip over roots and rocks, sliding on slick leaves and mud. He takes me to the rocky edge of a steep hill. I gasp as the view becomes more apparent. I see lush dark green canopies of adjacent trees merging into one another.

The sun spilling over hills and pouring into valleys. "It's beautiful." I say in aw. I have never seen something so breathtaking. "Yes it is." He says. I Look at him, I feel my heart skip a beat when he is already looking at me.

His eyes darken when he looks at my lips. I can see him battling his thoughts as his eyebrows knit together. He sighs, shaking his head before looking back at the view. I feel a shred of disappointment as he looks away.

I wonder what his pink swollen lips would feel like on mine. "We should probably head back." He says but makes no attempt to leave. I look at the layers of mountains one more time before turning around, walking back to the four wheeler.

"Fuck." I hear his husky voice before his hand reaches around my wrist, turning me around. Our bodies are flushed together, our faces inches apart.

His eyes dance around my face, memorizing every imperfection. His hands move to either side of my face, thumbs caressing my rosy cheeks. He's careful not to hit the scratch on my cheek.

He slowly starts leaning closer, his breathing becoming faster. His lust filled eyes looking at my lips. I close my eyes as our lips meet.

I put my hand on the nape of his neck, deepening the kiss. I feel my heart stop, my body becoming light as a feather. He pulls back and looks into my eyes, searching for any regret. I feel tingles throughout my body, my knees becoming weak. I didn't know kissing could feel that good.

I can't help but smile as we break our kiss. I feel my cheeks becoming warm. He bites his lip, smirking. He pulls me back in for another kiss. His lips become urgent on mine, wanting, needing more. He bite's my bottom lip, pulling away before smashing his lips back onto mine.

A whimper escapes my lips causing him to groan, trying to pull me closer. He licks my bottom lip, wanting more. I part my lips, inviting him in. His tongue dances with mine, his hands roaming my body.

I hear a stick snap behind us. I jump, turning around to see what it was. A doe and her fawn are watching us, curious as to what we are doing. They get scared by the sudden movement and run off.

I laugh, holding my heart. I look at him, his cheeks tinged with pink. "We should get back." He says grabbing my hand and leading us back to the four wheeler.

I am still on cloud nine. Why didn't Nora tell me kissing felt so good? I touch my lips, smirking to myself. My stomach feels like it's doing black flips. I don't even know how i'm walking right now, my knees are so wobbly.

This boy has got me all kinds of fucked up.   


We left shortly after, wanting to get back before dark. I feel sadness take over me as I say my goodbyes to the group, not wanting to leave.

I already miss the wind blowing through my hair, the smell of wet tree trunks and damp grass. I wish I could relive this memory over again.

I will never forget Grim rock lake.


What do you think is going to happen next?

Doesn't it just make you want to go camping?

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