Chapters 10 to 12

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Chapter 10

Jax complains about being hungry. Holds his stomach, both hands. I know he's confused about Willow's claim (so am I).  Eating is a remedy. I look to Hazel.

"Let's eat," she says, and breaks open the food sacks from the caf.

We are all quiet as we eat. I offer food to Willow and he chews, slowly, eyes averted. I watch Hazel. She's composed, cool. Assessing, I'd say. I excuse myself. "Where's the bathroom?" I ask, and Allgo points, says "it's four doors on the left."

"Go with her," Hazel requests of Allgo.

Good. I was going to ask. We depart, and when we near the lavatory, "Allgo, was Willow telling the truth? About Hazel looking down the shaft?"

"There is no simple answer to that."


"Truth is subjective."

"You mean Willow was telling the truth, from his point of view?"

"I am saying that Willow believes he is telling the truth. With one hundred percent certainty. I assessed his output."

"Of course. Your WaveAnt."

"Correct, Sar."

"Allgo, I have to ask you—can you read Hazel?"

Allgo pivots, eyes whir in focus, something like a soft sigh escapes what one would say is his mouth (it more resembles a small golden butterfly, wings spread). "Yes, I can read Hazel."


"Hazel believes what Willow said was not the truth."

"How can both be right?"

"Willow and Hazel believe. There is no right."

"This all sounds like gibberish."

I am finished in the lav. Allgo waits outside the stall, watches me wash face and hands. He says, "I am a machine, Sar. When I power down, I cease to exist until I am powered up again. You are human. When humans cease to exist, they never really power down. There is something that remains. I have seen it before. It does exist outside of them and exists because of them."

"The soul, you mean?"

"What one believes, Sar. It persists, always. Beliefs are reality."

"I see."

I reach out to Allgo. "What does your WaveAnt tell you about me?"

The golden butterfly's wings spread a little. Allgo's foot pedals extend. "Hop on," he says unexpectedly, and when I do, he spins around the lav in slow circles.

A Bot dance.


"Here's the plan," says Hazel.

"We need weapons," interrupts Willow. "If your plan is to go up there."

Hazel is looking at me, ignores Willow. Jax is still chewing, pulling bite-sized pieces of bread, rolling them into dough. He is resting against Hazel, her arm reaches around him, squeezes his shoulder. Not many people could do that with Jax. He trusts her.

"We need to separate," Hazel continues.

"Bad idea!" exclaims Willow.

She turns toward him. "You'll come with me," she says.

"Worse idea!"

"Sar, you and Jax, and Allgo, will form a second team. Willow needs to be with me for obvious reasons. He's seen more than we have seen, and though I respect his input, I need proof that he's been forthcoming. He's likely to be more helpful with me watching over him."

SAR ASCENDANT / Book 1: Incursion of the INDENWhere stories live. Discover now