part 11

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Rome - hi sorry Derin I was not able to pick your calls last night actually I was talking to tasmin about the marriage.

Derin- hey hi let me speak let me.

Rome - oh I am sorry actually I was saying our children's marriage is in few days and  I am not having any special feelings it's a big day so I was thinking to decorate  my house so give me some ideas.

Derin- hey look I was also thinking something look let's not decorate our home we'll do it on 4th july like you can do cleaning and all but the proper decoration . listen we should go and select some dresses for us and the our children's we should go today cause after that we have other works and also it will take time for the designer , tailor whatever it is to make the dress so yeah I was asking should we go in afternoon.

Rome- well you are right um it's 8 am so I come to your house  at 1 pm .okay? 

Derin - as your wish 

Rome - but Tasmin will not come she is sick so she will buy later  so I'll bring agam with me and yeah one more thing we'll do the court marriage but we have prepare some papers to you know what I mean and we have to make our children sign it.

Derin - I was thinking the same but hey Agam must be in school how will you take him?

Rome - I'll pick him from there what do you think he must be studying? He is a joker in his school his friends told me he jokes 24\7 in front of them but I don't know why he act rude and serious at home.

Derin - it's okay it happens with friends with you are more comfortable right  let's get ready now .

Rome-  Ella must be in school too ?

Derin - no she is doing house chorus she is helping her mother . I told her that we will go there so okay talk to you later bye.

Rome - byee 

*call ended*

Derin- Williriya where are you ?

Williriya - yes, what happened ? I am so tired  I have to sleep say fast. ( she noticed him staring at her ) why are you staring say nahh.

Derin - it's 9 am and I still don't have my breakfast why ? ( he asked in his deep voice indicating his anger )

Williriya - don't stare at me like that and Ella is bringing it wait for sometime.

*Derin slapped williriya on her face * 

Derin - how dare you to answer me huh how dare you ? I am your husband I can stare, hit and do whatever I want how dare you ? don't want to ruin my day send Ella here with the breakfast . go fast.

Williriya - you are definitely going in hell for whatever you are doing and one you will suffer . you hate me this do why don't you live that b*tch with whom you were from last two days go there just give me a shelter I'll take care of me and my child  . 

Derin - look you are not the superwoman of this world and what you have done for your Ella and yourself YOU ARE A ORPHAN AND A GIRL AND MY WIFE behave well otherwise you know your daughter will suffer. 

*Williriya closed the door in anger and told Ella to give breakfast to his father*

Derin was shocked to see williriya's angry side after a long time he remembered her staring into his eyes with no fear *

Ella- dad breakfast 

Derin - keep it here and get ready . we are going for to buy clothes for your marriage tell your mother she is not going go now. 

Ella - okay 

to be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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