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Harry woke up with a whopper of a headache, something he was nursing even at breakfast. Mrs. Weasely was cooking eggs, bacon, beans, the whole shebang. In his opinion, a full English was perhaps the best breakfast in the world.

Three of the Royals came down the stairs, each looking perfect. How could they manage it? Harry racked his brain for their names, but he only recalled Percy and Jason's. 

'Good morning, Your Majesties,' said Mrs. Weasely.

'Good morning, Mrs. Weasely. Good morning, Harry,' the younger girl- Hazel, was it?- said.

Then it hit Harry. It was the day of his trial... fuck. The realization that he might just get pushed out of the one place that he could call home brought tears, hot and prickling, to his eyes. Where would he go then? Back to the Durselys? No shot.

Then where?

He couldn't go to the Burrow. The Weaselys would be more than willing enough to let him live with them, but he would be a burden. And they would refuse to take any money as well.

Harry looked up to find Hazel sitting by him, scrutinizing Harry. 

'Are you nervous about the trial, Harry?'

Harry didn't know how to react. This was the first time one of the royals had spoken to him face to face. Honestly, he was torn between bowing and groveling.

'Yeah,' he said, stuttering. 'If I lose the trial, I lose the only place I can call home.'

'Not even the Weaselys?'

'I would be a burden.'

Hazel smiled, and the simple gesture sent warmth coursing through Harry's body. 'Harry, no one ever is a burden to one they love. I learned that the hard way. I can't tell you what to do, but you must learn this as well.'

'Thank you, Lady Hazel.'

'Oh, stop with that Lady nonsense. When we are in private, just call me Hazel. Lady Hazel... it's too formal. I know that the others are also done with this facade, so just keep it in mind.'

'What would you like to eat, dearest?' Mrs. Weasely said.

'I would like some eggs, please. On toast if it's possible.'

'Of course, Your Majesty. How come Lords Nico and Will, and Lady Thalia are not here.'

'Thals ripped her stitches in the night. I am surprised you didn't hear it; she wasn't very quiet about it. Nico and Will are with her.'

'I hope she gets better soon.'

'Oh, she will. Thalia shakes this stuff off like it's something.' Hazel tilted her nose. 'I guess it is nothing. Especially compared to the time she had a statue dropped on her. Or the time she was frozen.'

Percy laughed from the other side of the room. 'Oh, and don't forget the time she was a tree for years.'

Thalia hobbled down the stairs. 'Ha ha, Jackson. I saved y'all's asses by doing it. And do I have to remind you of the time you were a ham-'

'Okay, shut up now.'

'That too because you got self-conscious about Anna seeing you like that. Hilarious.'

'How the hell do you know that?' Percy said.

'A little birdie told me,' Thalia said.

Jason raised his hand. 'Guilty as charged.'

'Jason, Imma gut you.'

'Harry dear,' Mrs. Weasely said. 'Get ready for the hearing. And Prince Percy, a letter came for you.'

Harry watched as Perccy's expression changed drastically as he read the letter. It went from wariness to pure overjoy to anger, and finally, to wariness again.

Percy turned around and gave Jason a high-five. 'I don't suppose you have a few seats in the dad club?'

The room went crazy. Every single one of Percy's friends leaped on him, shouting and congratulating him. Harry was just trying to understand what had happened.

'What else was there?' Jason said.

'Annabeth's due in seven and Piper in five. But due to the quest, Lady Juno's daughter is helping to prepone the date to a few weeks.'

Again, the other Royals jumped, this time on Jason and Percy. 

Harry's face broke out into a splitting grin. 'Oh. My. God. You two are going to be dads?'

For the first time, Harry saw a smile on Jason's face. 'Yup.'

'There was something else, wasn't there?' Nico said.

Percy nodded, returning to his normal demeanor. 'It said to be wary of Dolores Jane Umbridge. And there was something else that I wanted to discuss in private.'

At that moment, Mr. Weasely burst through the door. 'I have some bad news. Harry's trial will be overseen by Fudge himself, and by extension, Dolores Umbridge.'

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