A Pissed-Off Royal is Extremely Scary

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Harry stared at Percy's impassive face, his doubts growing inside. The tension in the room was building, like the carbonation behind a cork. He could see Percy's fists clenching, and his heart rate shot right up.

Harry Potter felt scared.

Not that he hadn't before.

He had every single time he was bullied by Dudley and his gang and in every single one of his encounters with Voldemort.

But the fear he felt now... it was primal. Every instinct in his body was screaming at him to duck, grovel, and beg for mercy from this man.

Finally, when Percy released a breath, Harry sighed in relief. Whatever that was, Harry never wanted to be on the receiving end of it. He glanced at his friends, and their expressions matched his.

After all the warnings that he had taken for granted, he now understood.

Never piss off a Royal.

It won't end well.

'No,' Percy said. 'As long as I am alive and am the General of the Last Alliance, I will not let a single blade be raised. Not again.'

The tension returned in full force. Harry could see it etched on the Royals' face clear as day: they would not submit.

'How can you be so cruel?' Hermione said. 'How could you be so selfish?'

'Would you expand on that statement, Ms. Granger?' Will said and immediately turned to Percy. Harry could see the anger etched on his face. 'Sorry, my Lord. I did not mean to speak out of turn.'

'Relax, Marquis Solace. But Ms. Granger, please do answer Will's question.'

Oh, how Harry was hating the Royals right now. He had dealt with this behavior from Malfoy so much, and he knew that Hermione hated it too. Especially all the sucking up they had to do.

'What I meant, your lords and ladies was that without your help, we will have young children fighting in a war.'

Princess Hazel laughed. 'Please, Ms. Granger. We all know you meant what you said. You call us selfish, but you seem to forget that the youngest in the Alliance are not even ten yet. Is it selfish to save them from the brutality of war, especially if they have witnessed it before?'

Hermione worked her jaw. 'I had not considered that. May I ask you a question, however?'

'Go ahead.'

'How come you have small children fighting in wars?'

'Ms. Granger, it is the best way to train them for what awaits our kind in the world,' Thalia said. 'And you three- you, Mr. Weasely, and Mr. Potter are not so different, are you?'

'What do you mean, "what awaits our kind"?'

'Death,' Nico said. The way he said it made it seem like a fact.

'Marquis Solace,' Nico said. 'Please give me a report on the inhabitants of Camp Half-Blood and their readiness for another war.'

'Yes, sir. Although everyone over the age of fourteen is physically fit to fight, no one is mentally prepared for another war. After the past fourteen traumatic months, everyone is shaken. And my Lord, you, Prince Grace, and Prince Jackson are in no state to fight. As the medic, I would very much like to tell you that ending the War almost killed you three.'

'I appreciate the concern, Marquis Solace. Please give us a concrete statement as to the ability of Camp Half-Blood as well as Camp Jupiter for another war along with your opinion on this.'

'Yes, Prince Grace. Although I get what Mr. Dumbledore wants, I would advise against the Camps going to another war. It would destroy everything we have tried to build up.'

'Thank you, Marquis.'

'If you don't want to help us in the war, how do you mean to help us?' Sirius asked.

'We will start by training Harry and the others who may be key in the fight,' Jason said, and Harry could see him making a million decisions in a matter of a few seconds. 'Both physically and magically, that is. We will push them beyond their limits, but they will be trained.'

'And although I will not allow the Alliance to enter the war, it doesn't mean I will not help myself. I will involve myself in the smallest of ways along with the rest of the Champions.' 

'Well, it is settled then. One final matter, your majesties. Harry's trial is tomorrow morning and we would like you to be there.'

'We know about the trial, and we know that Harry is innocent,' Thalia said. 'Then why do you want us there?'

'If you are there, then Cornelius will not dare to make a bold, false statement.'

Percy gave a curt nod. 'We'll be there. Now, since the meeting is adjourned, please show us to our quarters.'

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