One Final Adventure

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'No fucking way. We're not doing it.'

Chiron rubbed his forehead. 'Percy, please. Consider it as a vacation. You don't have to do much; just make it look like you're helping. As much as Dumbledore,' the centaur's eyes flared with anger at the name, 'likes to think he knows about us, he is quite unlearned.'

'Chiron, I get what you mean. But I also would like to remind you that the war ended a week ago. We're dead on our feet right now.'

The hearth flared, flames reaching the roof of the Big House as Hestia stepped out of the fire, followed closely by Hecate.

The demigods bowed as one. 'Ladies Hestia and Hecate.'

'Rise, heroes. But go to Hogwarts, you must. It has been decreed by Lord Zeus.'

Annabeth scrunched her eyebrows. 'Why are the Olympians getting involved in this?'

Hecate held out her palm and an image formed in the Mist, showing a horrendous creature. It had red eyes, slits for a nose, and an unsettling aura about him.

'This is Tom Marvolo Riddle, known better in their world as Lord Voldemort.'

'Vol as in "flight", de as in "of", and mort as in "death"?' Piper said. 'His name is Flight of Death?'

'Yes. He is a lord of the dark magicks. He was killed years ago by the one force he has not witnessed and never will. Yet he is back somehow.'

'Should this not be a matter for my father then? I may be the Ghost King, but he is the God of the Dead.'

Hecate shook her head. 'I am afraid not. The gods have been cut off from their world for millennia. A foolish wish of mine granted foolishly in a moment of weakness.'

Jason had been sitting in the corner of the room, hand on his chin. He had been quiet until now, but he said, 'So this is your way of telling us that they might pose a risk to the gods somehow?'

'Yes. And a verdict has been issued by the King of Olympus.'

Jason squirmed in his seat. He got a feeling that he wasn't going to like what Hecate was going to say, and a look at his friends was enough to tell him that they felt the same.

'Once there, if you find that they even resemble a threat, you are to destroy them. You are to annihilate their entire civilization, kill every single wixen, be it man, woman, or children. You are to raze Wizarding Britain to the ground.'

Percy squared his shoulders. 'Yes, milady.'


To say that Jason was conflicted was an understatement. About the fact they might be planning the destruction of an entire race? Fuck no. If that's what they had to do to ensure that the Alliance never lifted a blade again, they would. 

No, he was more conflicted about going to Hogwarts in the first place. Especially with the way they were staggering their arrival. The children of the Big Three were to go first, followed by the children of the Princes and Princess, then of the Marquis and Marchioness. This meant Piper would be arriving last and he would be stuck with his lovable idiotic cousins for weeks.

Of course, Chiron was also reluctant to give any information.

For now, though, he lay on the beach, Piper in his arms, enjoying the sun. The rest of his friends were sprawled out across the beach: some were in the water with Percy, some were playing games, and some were just enjoying peace.

Travis Stoll ran over to them, panting. 'Jason, Percy, Nico, Thalia, Hazel. Chiron is calling you guys to the Big House. Lady Hecate is there as well. She said something about... grooming?'

Percy shot out of the water like a cannonball, doing a flip before landing in front of Jason.

'Percy,' Will said. 'Slow on the powers. You three are seconds away from collapsing.'

Powers... Jason hadn't given much thought to what he had done on that day. He knew that it had been tearing Percy up. He'd already felt horrible after Tartarus. 

But how could they have so much power? How were they even allowed to have so much power? The guilt came crashing down on him. 

That was the common theme among these powers was choice. Even the worst of their enemies- Saturn, Gaea, Luke- killed those who stood in their way in cold blood. Jason had done worse. He had taken away choice. The one thing that made living creatures unique.

A look at his cousins' faces told him they were thinking the same thing.

After a leisurely stroll, they reached the Big House where Hecate and Chiron were seated. 

'I have asked you to come here so I can teach you how to act like royalty and to give you knowledge about the wizarding world. You will be leaving in three days. You are to wrap up any negotiations the wixen propose before the others arrive. Is that clear?'

'Yes ma'am,' Hazel said.

'Will you at least be sending Will with us?' Thalia said. 'I know he is the son of a Prince, but he i the head healer. And god knows all of us are going to need it considering we don't have the others.'

'Very well. Mr. Solace may go with you.'

Over the next few weeks, they got into the habit of being Royalty (read: walking and talking like you have a stick up your ass) and some had to work harder than others (cough cough Percy and Thalia cough cough) but it was all worth it.

In their downtime they just relaxed with their friends, pulled pranks, and razzed each other for no reason except shits and giggles.

But eventually, the day came when they had to leave.

 Percy, Jason, Nico, Thalia, and Hazel stood on Half-Blood Hill with their trunks at their side. There wasn't a single dry eye; each of them took a long time to say goodbye to their significant other.

Jason sighed, feeling around his bag for weapons. He had IVLIVIS, his shield, his armor, and far too many knives (one never knows when they might run into werewolves). 

The others were doing the same thing, psyching themselves up.

With a crack, they were gone.

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