VII. Senator Amidala

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I groan out as my neck aches from how stiff it feels, peeling my eyes open. I find Anakin and I still in our spots from last night.

We had fallen asleep on the couch next to each other, which wasn't familiar to us- watching movies on my television. We went down to eat dinner when it was ready, but we immediately returned to my room to continue binge-watching our show and spending time together.

I grabbed a blanket to share once I noticed Anakin started to doze off. I planned to go back to my room, sleep in my comforting bed, and leave Anakin out here on the couch. As I've done plenty of times, I unfortunately fell asleep not long afterward.

So now I must suffer the consequences of slouching against Anakin's side in my sleep at an odd angle. It seems like Anakin looks fine, though, as he's curled up on the edge of the couch, his head resting on the armrest, one of the couch pillows cradled in his arms, while I rested my head on his torso.

I smile down at my twin, glad he had a peaceful sleep last night, knowing he's been having some hard nights recently. I let him sleep a little longer as I get ready in my usual dark brown pants and cream-colored long sleeves. I wait to put on my robe that matches my pants- as I finish getting ready, I put my long chestnut hair up in a high ponytail with the chin-length Padawan braid hanging down the side of my shoulder.

I swipe on some mascara and clear lip gloss before slipping on my shoes, I grab a bottle of perfume that Padme had gifted me for my birthday last year. It smelled so nice, like fresh daisies and denim.

I smile at my appearance in the mirror, grateful that my hair decided to cooperate with me today. I grab my lightsaber and clip it onto my belt before grabbing my robe and heading back to the living room to find Anakin standing by the door, chatting with Obi-Wan.

"Oh, hey, Obi-Wan." I greet him, sending him a wave as I approach to join the two.

"Hello there, Andrea." He smiles, his eyes dropping slightly before approaching his Padawan.

This does not go unnoticed by Anakin, who raises a brow at his master before turning to his sister.

"Everything alright?" I ask, looking at Anakin in question as his eyes quickly snap to me.

"Yes everything is fine, I am just here to collect you both. The Jedi Council has just called for you two." Ben informs me as Anakin gives me a look at the mention of the Council.

"Ooh, well, I guess we can get going?" I questioned more to Anakin as I realized he had changed into a fresh pair of clothes.

His room was across from mine, so it was easy for him to pop in to change and head back to mine in five minutes.

My twin nods in agreement before we all head out of my room and towards the Jedi High Council room. I slowly trail behind the two as they ramble on, arguing about who knows what this time. I wonder where in the realm my Master is, as he usually isn't far behind. I should have asked Obi-Wan earlier, but it hasn't worked out until now.


I look up at the mention of my name, realizing that Obi-Wan and Anakin had stopped walking for me to catch up as it appears I have lagged further behind.

"Oh, sorry. I was thinking. Where is Qui-Gon?"

"He's meeting us there." Obi-Wan smiles as he holds the elevator doors for me to go through.

"Oh, alright. Thank you." I smile at his politeness.

I step beside Anakin just as Obi-Wan stands on my left side, sandwiching me between the two. I watch Obi-Wan from the corner of my eye, enjoying how even more beautiful the light makes him look like an angel.

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