IV. Brave Little Troopers

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"Mom! I'm going out to find Ani. He's gettin' into trouble again!" I yell out for my mom to hear from her place in the kitchen as I head out of the hovel.

"Alright, sweetie. Be careful!"

I scurry away in search of my twin as I feel that familiar pressure in my chest again. Thankfully, it's less strong than the one at the Podrace, which was quite scary as I've never had one so bad and tiring like that one before.

"Ani?!" I yell out with my hands cupped together.

It's not like he'll answer anyway, especially when getting into trouble.

I turn down the corner of the street of the slave quarter in time to see Anakin and a Greedo rolling around on the floor, fighting. About a dozen or so kids are standing around them, yelling.

I huff at the scene with a shake of my head as I approach. Suddenly, a long shadow is cast over us before I can say anything and stop the fighting between the two boys, who decide to look up. I look beside me to find it's Qui-Gon who's towering above them.

"What's this?" Qui-Gon questions, looking at me with a raised brow.

"He said I cheated." Anakin spits out, pointing to Greedo.

"Did you?"


I continue to watch in amusement as the Jedi interviews the two boys.

"Do you still think he cheated?" Qui-Gon asks Greedo.


I roll my eyes at their answer, knowing they're full of it and that Ani won on skill... and sheer luck. Dumb luck at that.

"Well, Ani. You know the truth... You will have to tolerate his opinion. Fighting won't change it."

"He doesn't think so." I snort at the last part, getting a glare from Anakin.

Qui-Gon moves off down the street. Anakin and I quickly follow behind. The Greedo wanders over to Wald, who has been watching the goings-on.

"Keep this up, Greedo, and you're gonna come to a bad end." Wald scolds in the distance.

Farther down the street, we head toward our hovel. I look over to Qui-Gon, who suddenly takes a handful of credits from beneath his poncho and hands them to Anakin.

"These are yours. We sold the Pod." He informs my brother.

"Man, we should've used mine." I huff, getting an amused smile from Qui-Gon as Anakin suddenly beams.

"Yes!" He cheers, causing Qui-Gon and I to chuckle as we continue to the hovel.


We find Mom sitting at her desk as Anakin barges, practically bouncing off the walls, with Qui-Gon and I following behind, still amused.

"Mom, he sold the Pod. Look at all the money we have!" Anakin pulls a bag of coins out of his pocket.

"Oh, my goodness, That's wonderful." Mom beams down at Anakin.

"And Anakin and Andrea have been freed." Qui-Gon cuts in.

"What?!?" Anakin snaps his attention between the Jedi and me.

"You, two, are no longer slaves." Qui-Gon smiles.

Anakin starts shaking with joy, pulling me into his arms to join him as Mom sits there stunned. I couldn't help but let my excitement come out, squealing and jumping for joy.

"Did you hear that, Mom?" He questions before turning to Qui-Gon. "Was that part of the prize, or what?"

"Let's just say Watto has learned an important lesson about gambling."

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