V. 'Are you an Angel?'

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Anakin, Qui-Gon, and I exit Watto's shop after talking with him and start on our way to the ship when Anakin suddenly stops before Jira's fruit stand. Anakin stuffs his hand in his pocket before pulling it out and handing Jira some coins.

"We've been freed, and we're going away. Buy yourself a cooling unit with this... Otherwise, I'll worry about you." Anakin explains to the woman.

Jira is astonished as she stares between Anakin and me, not knowing what to say.

"Can I give you a hug?" She exclaims.

"Sure." He shrugs with a smile.

She rushes over and hugs him before surprisingly pulling me into one.

"I'll miss you two... There isn't a kinder boy or girl in the galaxy. You two be careful...." Jira tells us as she pulls back from the hug.

Anakin and I turned around and ran to join Qui-Gon, who had already started down the street. As we walk together, Qui-Gon suddenly, without breaking his stride, ignites his laser sword, swings around, lunges forward, and cuts a lurking probe droid in half. I step back in shock at the sudden action, pulling Anakin with me as well. At the same time, Qui-Gon inspects the sparking and fizzing droid.

"What is it?" Anakin voices as he looks past Qui-Gon to look at the now-dead droid.

"Probe droid. Very unusual... not like anything I've seen before." He explains, looking lost in thought before turning to us.

"Come on." Qui-Gon beckons us before we start running toward the Naboo spacecraft.

I look back to see Anakin is having a hard time keeping up.

"Master Qui-Gon, sir, wait!" I yell out. I pause to let Anakin catch up to me.

I look from Anakin back to Qui-Gon, who turns to seem to answer back, but it appears he sees something behind us.

"Anakin. Andrea, drop!" He yells back.

I don't hesitate to grab hold of my brother and drop us both to the ground just as something sweeps over us. I gasped as I looked up to see someone in dark robes jump off their speeder bike, and before he hit the ground, he swung a death blow with his laser sword that Qui-Gon barely blocked.

Anakin doesn't hesitate to pick us up from the sand as the two galactic warriors clash with tremendous impacts. I turn to Anakin as we get up, bewildered by the confrontation just as he is.

"Ani, Andi, get to the ship! Take off! Go! Go!"

Qui-Gon shouts at us as he battles with the cloaked man, struggling to fend off the relentless onslaught.

I hesitate momentarily, but Anakin doesn't waste time racing to the ship. I fumble until I spot a piece of metal sticking out from the sand a few feet away, no doubt left from the Jawa's that go around collecting the discarded scrap and wayward mechanicals.

I quickly look back to see Anakin running into the main hallway of the spaceship, letting out a sigh of relief before darting off to the metal scrap, hoping it's something I can use to help Qui-Gon.

I can't leave him when he's already helped us.

I pick up the metal, relieved to find it's almost as long as the sabers they use. It might not do justice, but it's all I have. I rush back to Qui-Gon as I notice he's struggling with his opponent. I quickly run at the man as he stands before the Jedi, ready to strike him.

I quickly pull the metal pole back before swinging it as hard as I can down at the man's back, causing him to shout and lurch forward in surprise and, possibly, pain.

"Leave him alone!" I yell as I swing at him again to get another satisfying hit.

"Andrea, no! Get out of here!" Qui-Gon yells as he shuffles back on his feet.

I'm already retaking another swing, but the cloaked man stops it. I gasped in surprise as I felt my feet lift off the ground.

"Well, isn't this interesting? It looks like you got yourself a little Jedi in training." The man sneers as he lifts me by the metal scrap.

That's when I see his horrendous face, full of black spikes crowning out of his head as his face is a mix of red and black. His eyes were a nasty, pasty yellow.

"You leave her out of this. This is between you and me!" Qui-Gon yells as he notices I'm starting to turn red from lack of oxygen.

I'm trying not to panic as I still feel myself dangle above the ground, this time without the metal scrap. Like, somehow, I am being levitated by some force, but what gets me to start panicking even more is the feeling of air leaving my lungs. It was as if I suddenly stopped learning how to breathe.

I gasp out, scratching at my throat as my other hand reaches out to Qui-Gon to help.

"Andrea!" I hear Qui-Gon call out for me as he continues to fight the evil man.

My eyes start to spot over when I feel the pressure release from my chest, allowing the air to flow through my lungs again. I let out a harsh gasp as I felt myself hit the ground with a thud. My vision goes in and out, as does my hearing, but I could have sworn I heard Anakin's voice call for me.

"Ani..." I whisper out for my brother as I allow my body to give out with my vision and hearing as well.

My attention suddenly was fixed on this blur of a figure hovering over me. I was in awe as my tired eyes swept over the ethereal glow of golden-brown hair that contrasted with the most beautiful, piercing-light blue eyes I've seen.

I couldn't help but let myself go. I couldn't help but relax at the sight of the glowing creature above me, feeling like I could trust them with my life.

I felt myself being lifted up from the ground so gently like I was floating on a cloud. The glowing man held me against him so gently I could barely feel it. I feel my shaky hand gently move up to rest against the side of the man's face, trying to make up my hazy mind if he is real as he stares down at me with a gentle smile.

"Are you an angel?"

That's the last I can recall that day coming out of my mouth before my vision turned black. That, and a smile that matches those beautiful eyes, the angel gently shines down at me as the words leave my lips.

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