III. Podracing

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I wake up, rolling over in my spot to see Anakin asleep in his bed across the room. I swear he's the deepest sleeper I know. I can be one, too, but not as much as him. I smile at his peaceful form before stepping past him and out of the room.

"Good morning, Mom." I smile as she sits at the table, a mug of tea in her hands like every morning.

"Good morning, sweety. Good sleep?"

"Yeah." I nod, looking around the room. "Where is everyone?"

"Padme and Artoo are busy painting the racing Pod while Qui-Gon and Jar Jar are about to leave for the arena to meet Watto already."

"Oh, do you think I can go with them?" I plead, hoping she says yes.

"Well, I don't see why not." She shrugs with a smile.

"Great. Thanks, Mom!" I hug her quickly. After fixing up, I rush outside to find the Jedi and the Gungan.

"Qui-Gon!!" I yelled for the Jedi as I ran after him. I watch him turn around with Jar Jar, both sporting small smiles.

"Good morning, Andi. You come to join us?"

"Yes, if I may?" I ask a bit sheepishly.

"Of course! Well, we shall get going." He motions us to continue to the arena.

The hangar is a large building with a dozen Podracers being readied for the race. Alien crews and pilots rush about, making last-minute fixes on their vehicles. Watto, Qui-Gon, Jar Jar, and I walked through the activity.

"...I want to see your spaceship the moment the race is over," Watto grumbles to the Jedi as soon as we meet him.

"Patience, my blue friend. You'll have your winnings before the suns set, and we'll be far away from here."

"Not if your ship belongs to me, I think... I warn you, no funny business."

"You don't think Anakin will win?" Qui-Gon questions Watto with a small tilt of his head.

I keep quiet, knowing I can get in trouble if I say anything to make Watto mad. Not to mention, Qui-Gon asked me to keep an eye on Jar Jar to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.

Watto stops before an orange racer. Sitting to one side, having his shoulders and neck massaged by twin Yobanas, is Sebulba.

"Don't get me wrongo. I have great faith in the boy. He's a credit to your race, but Sebulba there is going to win, I think."


"He always wins." Watto laughs. "I'm betting heavily on Sebulba."

"I'll take that bet."

Watto suddenly stops laughing. "What??!! What do you mean?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at the Toydarian's reaction, getting a glare in return, which made me quickly stop.

"I'll wager my new racing pod against... say... the boy, his sister, and their mother." Qui-Gon proposes.

I stared wide-eyed at the Jedi, feeling my chest tighten at the thought of all my family getting free. Finally free. Qui-Gon gives me a small smile before returning to the Toyadarian.

"A Pod for slaves. I don't think so...well, poerhaps. Just one...the mother, maybe...the boy and girl aren't for sale." He sneers.

"The boy and girl are small; they can't be worth much." Watto shakes his head at his proposal.

"For the fastest Pod ever built?!" Qui-Gon tries bargaining.

Watto shakes his head again.

"All or no bet."

Kenobi -- Obi-Wan KenobiDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora