50 - Family

548 111 44

Ivy sat beside Baxter and held his hand. On the outside, he looked like the man who discovered her in his cabin, but she knew he was a mess inside. She could list ten reasons she shouldn't have been there, but only one reason why she should - to support him.

He tensed, and she looked up to see a doctor heading their way. The tall man nodded and sat down. "I wanted to give you a quick update. He's stable." Baxter nodded. Tate leaned in. The physician talked softly. "We'll keep him in for observation and run a few tests, but as of now it doesn't appear to be a cardiac event."

"What? I have never seen him like that. He was sweating and pale."

"Stress, heartburn, several things. If it's something more, we'll find it. We'll move him to a room and then you can see him."

The doctor squeezed both Tate and Baxter's shoulders before he stood and walked away. Baxter ran his hand through his hair. "I was so scared. I kept thinking about Jimmy's uncle."

"It's going to be okay." Ivy reassured him.

Tate said, "He'll be embarrassed. So many people witnessed it. Even Eleanor was on the twentieth floor."

"Uh, she had a meeting with me and I was running late."

Ivy looked at Baxter and suspected there was more to it, then she took out her phone and texted Eleanor an update. When she looked up Dani had arrived.

She gave each a weak smile. "The twins are on their way. Things are back to normal. I canceled your appointments."

Baxter nodded and Ivy squeezed his hand, as Dani sat down next to Tate. Although he relied on the other woman for so much, Ivy's hand was in his, and Dani sat two seats away. Ivy may not be his right hand in business but she had his heart.

A nurse came over to tell them they had moved Mr. Kane to his room. Everyone stood and walked down the hospital corridor to the elevator bank.

Before Ivy stepped on Baxter pulled her back. "Go on up."

Ivy looked up at him. "I can leave, I don't want to cause stress on your mother."

"No! I need you." He pulled her aside and wrapped his arms around her. "I was scared. Then he asked for her. He asked for Ellie. I lied to Tate."

"Will Dani tell her?"

"No, she doesn't know. Plus, she will cover for me."

"So if you have an affair she would lie to me?"

He frowned. "Yes. No, because I will never. This thing with my father is so strange. I see how much he loves her, but I know it's wrong."

"Life is full of black and white, but their relationship is gray."

He held her. "We need to go up. I need to see him."

Her heart felt heavy with his pain. Hopefully, she had taken some away from him.

"Baxter! Is dad?"

Doyle stood stricken. Baxter straightened up. "He's okay. It might not be his heart. We were going up to see him."

Ivy watched as he reached out his arm to embrace his sister. Kasper put his arm around Ivy. "He needs you. I didn't think he needed anyone, but I was wrong."

Ivy looked at his broad back as he led Doyle to the elevator. He supported everyone including her, but leaned on her when he needed help.

"Maybe I should leave. Your family and..."

Baxter looked back. "No, Ivy. Please stay."

Kasper squeezed her shoulder. "I told you."

They stepped off the elevator to a sitting area. Dani sat with her phone out. "Tate's with him now."

The Kane Cross (Cross 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz