6 - Borrowed time

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When Ivy slipped out of bed on Monday morning, they were on borrowed time. As soon as the snow plow cleared the driveway, Baxter had to leave. The magical weekend would be over and she could never speak of it to anyone.

Looking out of the large windows into a world of white, she watched the chunks of thick snow fall off the trees leaving divots in the snow below. Turning away from the window, she tackled the fancy coffee machine. Hopefully, she paid attention during her lesson. His scent and nearness had distracted her. Everything about him distracted her. She was in over her head and didn't want to be rescued.

Ivy turned when she heard his footsteps. He looked deliciously ruffled from sleep. "You left me and I had plans for us."

She smiled, not quite feeling his humor. "I'm sure the bed isn't made. There's always later."

It was his turn to frown. "I'll be working today. Danielle has left me three messages already. It's nine-thirty on the east coast. I never sleep in."

She didn't ask the burning question. When would the plow come? When would he leave?

His phone rang and his commanding voice made it hard not to listen as he answered it. "Baxter Kane." The business talk went over her head. "I need the contract reviewed. No. I'm not disturbing Tate." He hung up and looked at her. "What?" She shook her head. "I know how to make you talk."

She shook her head and laughed, but he had found all her ticklish spots on Sunday afternoon. They never made it through an entire movie. "Fine. If I was really a whore, you would have been stuck with me all this time. Instead, you're stuck with the girl on the six-year plan."

He looked at her but she would bet he wasn't listening. "When did you say you finish school?"

"Hopefully December, why?"

"Can you look at something for me?"

She bit her lip. His hazel eyes pleaded. She could see the boy in him. "Okay. I suppose."

"I never asked what kind of law you like."

She chuckled. "The kind that pays. As a kid I dreamed of courtrooms and murder cases, but I'm not so sure now. I guess it depends on what internship I land."

"Shouldn't you have one lined up?"

His phone rang, and he held up a finger stopping her answer. He talked to someone and had another call waiting. "Hold on." He lifted a folder. "Will you review this?" He didn't wait for an answer and went right back to the person on his call.

Ivy made a second cup of coffee before looking at his contract. On a whim, she made a cup for Baxter. The smile he gave her was thanks enough. She took her cup and the folder to the sofa. It gave her some insight into his business. The price of the property he intended to buy was insane. It explained why he was so serious. She smiled, except when he wasn't. Never had she met a person with so many sides to him.

She jotted down some notes in the margins. When she finished, he was still talking on the phone. Neither had showered nor dressed. He nodded when she put the contract down, but kept talking. Ivy went upstairs to shower. She felt a burning behind her eyes. The magic had slipped away. He had one foot back into reality. She knew there would be an end before she started it, but she hadn't expected to fall for him. Maybe it was just the sex and the memory would fade. At least that was what she told herself.

Baxter kept working, so she spent time on her job search. He was right, all the big firms had already hired their interns. Ivy didn't want to work eighty hours a week at a big firm hoping to be noticed. It didn't leave her with many options.

Ivy was curled up on the sofa watching a movie when she heard a thud outside. Startled, she jumped up and went to the front window. Her heart sank. The plow truck had arrived.

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