41 - Mystery girl

Start from the beginning

Ivy focused on the show. Kasper had flown under the radar, but for a second week he had a target on his back. She felt anxious while watching. "How did you handle the stress?"

"I didn't know they wanted to turn on me."

Some fast thinking and he lived to be on another week.

Once in the car, Ivy asked about the Gala. "It's one of the biggest events. My mother chairs the planning committee." He smiled. "I can't wait to have you on my arm." Ivy forced a smile. "Sweetheart, she would never be rude in public. Appearances mean everything."

"No, just in private."

"Trust me. She'll come around. Just keep loving me."

Ivy had spoken to her mother enough to know Baxter was different. The man Ellen loved never put up a fight with his family. He walked away when faced with losing his pampered life for the girl he said he loved. Baxter was an adult and had only walked away from his family, not his life.

They weren't hiding anymore and had dined and visited a gallery together. The more time they spent dating, the more she loved him. She was trending as #mysterygirl.

Ivy sat in her class on Monday morning, after a wonderful weekend. Baxter had taken her to the restaurant with a new rave review. For most people it was impossible to get a table, but not Baxter Kane. The food was amazing and the atmosphere even more romantic. She learned not to think about the bill as she sipped from expensive wine. Even her palet had grown sophisticated as they discussed the fruity undertones she had actually tasted.

In the classtoom, the guy with the crush on her sat down next to her. "How was dinner on Saturday night?"

"It was nice." She looked at her notebook.

"What's Kane doing with a future associate at an inferior law firm?"

"Martin, Walsh, and Blum is not inferior. Class is starting."

It aggravated Ivy that the jerk didn't think she was good enough for Baxter, although she had questioned it herself. She should have asked him why he had asked her out if he didn't think she was good enough for Baxter. Instead, she tried to ignore him throughout class. Besides, she didn't want to be associated with the guy with his phone out.

At the end if class, Ivy pulled her phone out of her bag. She had text messages from Baxter, Dani, Tate, Freya, Eleanor and missed calls from her mother, Baxter, and Mac. Why had Mac called her? She dialed Baxter first. He picked up immediately.

"Mystery girl has been revealed."

"What? Seriously?"

Sure enough. Her identity had gone viral, and she instantly knew who was responsible. There was an unflattering picture of her looking slightly bored. Even worse, she had her hair down with no makeup. Her gray hoodie made her look anemic.

"It was the jerk in my class. The one whose father is a partner at the firm that rejected me."

"The one who likes you."

"A crush maybe. He asked me about our dinner on Saturday. No wonder he scurried out of class so fast. I have another class to get to."

"Mac is waiting outside your building. He is your bodyguard."

She frowned at his demand although it amused her how Baxter started calling their favorite driver by his nickname. She didn't want Mac following her to class, but as she stepped outside he appeared.

"Hey." Hope Mac was more reasonable than Baxter, she smiled. "Why are you here?"

"The person who revealed your identity included details about you attending this law school."

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