39 - Need me

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Ivy sat down with her laptop as she waited for Baxter to come back. She was getting antsy when her phone rang.

"Hi, Jimmy."

"Hey. Is Baxter with you?"

She stood up. "No, he went home to shower, but it's been awhile."

"Oh, no."

"What's wrong?" Her breakfast didn't sit well.

"There are pictures of your dinner and shopping trip online. You're trending."

She opened her phone. "They think I'm a bed hopper. It's odd they still don't know my name."

"Lucky for you, but I'm sure Amelia Kane saw it."

"That must be what's taking him so long. This is it. He's going to end it."

Jimmy laughed. "I've known him forever. He cares too much and wants you. I'm a little jealous."

"You want me?" She felt sicker.

"No, you two make it look not so bad."

"You want a wife?" She smiled.

"Let's not take it that far. Tell him we need a plan."

Jimmy hung up, and she looked at her phone, no messages. She jumped when she heard the doorbell and was right at Charles's heels. "Sir?"

"It seems you have a houseguest until I can make other arrangements." He looked at Ivy. "Things did not go well with my mother."

"She threw you out?"

He shook his head. "I left to send a message. I told you I don't gamble, but I play chess. Sometimes you make a move to get your opponent where you want them. I'm calling her bluff."

Macintyre appeared with suitcases. "Mac, put those back in the car. I'll leave, Baxter can go home."

Mac smiled as Baxter reached for her. "Ivy, look at me." She met his intense hazel eyes. The brown ring dominated. "I have made my decision, it's you. That was just round one with my mother. My father wasn't home." He turned his head. "Macintyre, I'll show you where. You'll be rewarded for your loyalty."

"Thank you, Mr. Kane." He cleared his throat. "You and Miss. Ivy belong together."

Ivy smiled as Charles disapproved of the young chauffeur's candidness. "It's okay Charles. I know you agree."

The butler cleared his throat. "This way, please." He led Mac up the stairs.

Ivy leaned into Baxter. "Jimmy called. He said you have to make a plan."

Baxter nodded. "We will. Sweetheart, it will be okay. Trust me." He released her. "I need to help."

"I can too."

"If you want to carry suits."

Baxter's suits were in the trunk laid out flat. Ivy grabbed a few to carry. She glanced at the bed where they had spent the night. It had been made, but she hadn't seen anyone except Charles.

Eventually, they had emptied the car and hung the suits and shirts. Baxter thanked Mac. When he turned back to Ivy, he threw up his hands. "So this is it."

"Have you told Jimmy?"

"No, I still need to charge my phone. Were you studying?"

She nodded. "And wondering what was taking you so long."

He grimaced. "Doyle joined in the discussion and jumped to your defense. I suppose I need to find an apartment."

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Ivy touched her temple.

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