Finally, he took her hand. "We can conquer the obstacles together."

When Ivy looked up they were driving away from downtown Boston. "Where are we going?"

Baxter just laughed. "You'll see." Then he leaned in and brushed his lips across hers igniting a burning in her chest. As he deepened the kiss, she no longer cared where they went. A cheap hotel would be okay. Baxter Kane wouldn't dare. She laughed against his lips.

He pulled back. "What's so funny?"

"I just rationed you wouldn't be taking me to a cheap hotel."

He shook his head. "I said to see a show, not for us to be the show for some pervert. Although I plan to make love to you tonight."

Her body hummed and hoped she didn't have to wait too long. They talked about little things while they drove, but his lips kept waylaying the conversation. Ivy didn't mind. She looked out as they approached the airport.

She poked his chest. "Just dinner and a show?"

He smiled from ear to ear. "I didn't say in Boston."

She laughed. "This is outlandish. I'm used to dinner at Olive Garden."

"If I get my way, you'll never eat at an inferior chain restaurant again."

"You are such a snob. Have you ever eaten at any?"

"I've had McDonald's."

She cocked her head. "A Happy Meal when you were six?"

"God, no. My mother would never allow it. At night after too much to drink."

She laughed. "Some day, I should take you on a poor man's date."

"I'll go on any date with you." His words sent goosebumps down her neck as he nuzzled into it. "I love your neck."

She laughed but wished he loved all of her. Once the car stopped, Ivy followed him into the executive terminal. She hadn't known what to expect on her first trip out of the terminal. She certainly had the wrong impression of Jimmy Sinclair. Little did she know her first plane trip would change her life.

Baxter looked at his watch. "The plane should be ready. I regretted not flying with you. When Kasper told me you flew back together, I was jealous."

"You never got jealous. Jimmy tried."

He shook his head. "I did even when he told me his scheme."

"Scheme sounds ominous."

"I kept thinking you would fall for him."

"Maybe I would have." She winked. "But he never kissed me. A proper gentleman."

"Unlike me." She threw her head back and laughed. Before she could respond, he took her arm and led her out the door.

The same pilot stood at the bottom of the stairs. "Good afternoon, Mr. Kane. Welcome aboard, Miss. We should have a smooth flight down to the city."

"The city?"

"New York City, Miss."

She smiled as Baxter led her into the luxurious plane. "I could get spoiled."

He laughed. "That's my plan so you'll always want me."

"Want isn't the problem. Your life is the issue."

He ignored her. "Do you want a drink?"

"Just water, thanks."

He nodded. "Sparkling?"


As he poured, he said, "I want my parents to accept you. But let's enjoy our evening."

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