"Last month, we were supposed to be celebrating the end of our project. We had dinner on their sailboat and spent some time below deck."

"I bet you did. I'm jealous of you."

"What? You love Joey and you're living the life." As if on cue, Milo vibrated his lips and sprayed green on his mother's shirt.

"The life, with an avocado shower."

"The Kane kitchen is industrial grade. Where would a high chair go?"

"Do you have to live with his family?"

"No, because it will never happen!" Ivy stood and walked in circles. "I've been to his house twice." The more she ranted, the faster she walked while waving her arms. "It's huge. He lives in Boston and his yard is bigger than mine. There is one living room the size of my house. One room equals my house!" She almost knocked over a plant with her last large arm movement.

"You'll be the one needing a nap." Ivy stopped. Her chest heaved as she looked at Milo bobbing his head fighting sleep. "Give me a few minutes and I'll talk you off the ledge."

With Baxter Kane ledge was too ordinary. She stood on the precipice afraid to jump. Ivy was afraid, but Baxter never offered promises of love or a long-term relationship.

As Ivy waited for Freya, she tried to sit, but couldn't. She pulled out her phone, but she had no messages. It was silly to think Baxter would text her, since he had more important things to worry about.

Freya returned with a smile. "He should sleep long enough for me to talk some sense into you."

Ivy shook her head. "Sense is protecting my heart from shattering."

"No. You need to fight for your man. You are worth it."

"No, I'm not." A sadness lodged within. Girls like her didn't get what they wanted. The biggest firm in Boston already turned her down, and that was with a recommendation from both Jimmy and Baxter.

"Why because of your parents? Sure your mother settled, but that is exactly why you shouldn't. I bet if you asked your mother she would tell you to fight for him."

Ivy scoffed. "She told me to protect my heart because Jimmy will hurt it."

"Kane isn't like Sinclair. he's notorious. Other than the girl who humiliated him, they haven't linked Baxter to any actual relationships."

"I know. I've spent hours googling him too." Staring at every picture. "Tate lost her plastic friend Faith over all that business. I say good riddance, because the bitch leaked a ton of private stuff."

"Rich people need more kind people like you as role models."

Ivy frowned. "I don't think Tate is happy with me. If she doesn't like me with Jimmy, she'll hate me with Baxter."

"Maybe you should tell her the truth. The whole truth."

"What? That I've been seeing her brother behind her back?"

Freya frowned. "You have a point, but once she gets over the shock, she'll be happy for you."

Ivy bit her lip. "I don't think so." She didn't know the other siblings well, but thought Doyle might be the one on her side. She was a nonconformist. "I could never tell Tate. Baxter trusts me. I never should have told you." Eleanor knew something too.

"I would never. Seriously. Who would I tell?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. Your mother or mother-in-law. Someone at work. How is work?"

"Okay. I'm only working weekends so Joey can be on Milo duty."

"How does he do?"

"Fine. Okay. His mother usually stops by."

Ivy laughed. "Could you imagine my mother stopping by the Kane mansion?"

"Maybe you won't have to live there until his parents die. Sorry that sounded wrong."

"Jimmy has his beautiful mansion to himself most of the time. His parents live in Saint Croix."

"Look on the bright side, at least you are friends with your husband's best friend."

She frowned. "He might be my lover but never my husband. The funeral was very sad. He died unexpectedly."

"I've seen more deathbed goodbyes than I care to count. The worst are the ones including forgiveness not a moment too late. I've learned to never hold a grudge. What regret would you have?" Ivy felt a tear slide down. "That you lived without the man you love?"

"I don't want him to live with regret."

"He will if he lets you go. Bring him over so I can bash your heads together."

Ivy jumped up. "No! You aren't supposed to know."

She put her hands up. "I know. Wishful thinking."

"Any good emergencies?"

Freya worked in the emergency department at a large Boston hospital. She laughed. "You don't want to know. Why can't people have normal sex?"

"Normal sex?"

"You know without shoving in objects that don't belong."

Ivy laughed. "Gross. I'll take the real thing."

"Rumor is it is small." Freya winked.

Ivy had debunked that rumor. "Definitely a huge rumor." Ivy covered her mouth the moment she said it.

"Well, lucky you. Another reason to hold on to him. Believe me, all men shrink with age. I've seen plenty of old parts."

"Stop! I'm going to be an old maid because no one will live up to Baxter and I refuse to repeat history."

"You could never be like your parents."

"I understand my mother better. She's sad and resentful that she had to settle. It's not my dad's fault. I won't do that to another man."

"You're depressing me."

Ivy didn't respond, because her phone chimed. It wasn't Baxter. "The good news is I got a second interview." But it was at Priscilla's firm.

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