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Mars, also called Arakko.

Mars, also called Arakko

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*[Dr Manhattan, to his own surprise, finds that he is at ease in the Empress's presence]*

Doctor Manhattan: I know why your here.

Anastasia: And I know why you're here. *[speaks words that move and pacify him like nothing has in a long time]*

Doctor Manhattan: In ten seconds you will attempt to appeal to my... Humanity.

Anastasia: *[with a small smile]* Attempt nothing; I already am, Jon... What happened was not your fault.

Anastasia: *[approaches him until she is standing right next to him]* It was never your fault.

Jon looks up in space. "That name. No one has called that in a long time." Jon says to Anastasia.

Doctor Manhattan takes a step and an old blue photo appears on the ground.

Anastasia: *[Picks it up for him]* She told me your name... She loved you very much. And she still does.

Jon looks at it with a neutral expression. Creating these photographs with every step he took.

 Creating these photographs with every step he took

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Convergence: Countdown to DoomsdayWhere stories live. Discover now