The Attack

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In the wake of several allegations that the United Federation is currently manufacturing Metahumans, the Superman Theory arose. This theory shined light on the fact that over ninety percent of the Mobius's metahumans are American citizens, implying that the United Federation is planning to take over Mobius and eventually-- overthrow the King of Mobius Sonic The Hedgehog and his wife Queen Sally Acrorn with an army of metas. All American metas are currently viewed with distrust and shunned by society.

Seeing an opportunity to build an army of his own, Teth Adam, also known by most as Black Adam invited any metas to live in Kahndaq where they could be free of any prejudice. Before long Adam had amassed a large variety of metas to fight for his cause including Dj's wife called Giganta, a metahuman called Creeper, and another called Sandstorm.

"Soon, Kahndaq will be strong and ready for the United Federation." Black Adam declared coldy.

*[In the event of finding evidence of such, all of Mobius's governments are ordered to cease their metahuman experiments by the Empress herself]*

Central City, the capital of the United Federation

A certain Galactic Alliance senator was writing a letter to Vladimir Putin.

"Dear President Putin, I believe those Mutants and Metahumans need to be stopped. At any cost."

Nu Toreena, an Ithorian member of N

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Nu Toreena, an Ithorian member of N.A.T.O. is continuing her letter to the Russian President looking at the former Star Cabal Symbol. Unlike her fellow N.A.T.O. member Gial Gahan, Toreena is not a supporter of the Eternal Order, holding the Eternals' responsible for the Sith-Imperial War.

*[Nu soon hears footsteps outside her office]*

Nu stands up. "Who's there?"

Nu pulls a blaster pistol from the drawer.

Nu moves around in blind arcs through her office in Central City at the White House.

"Must be nothing." Nu sits back down and calls in G.U.N. troops to go Russia to apprehended superhero named Firestorm.

[Suddenly, a tall and strong man appeared with black hair]

Fingolfin: *[calmly and quietly]* It won't do you any good

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Fingolfin: *[calmly and quietly]* It won't do you any good... So I would suggest that you come quietly.

Nu pull out her blaster pistol again. "Who are you? How'd you get in my office?" The Ithorian asked.

*[Nu pales when she recognizes that it's Fingolfin, Zakuul's Overwatch Administrator]* *[and she secretly knows that pushing that button is not gonna result in anything at all]* *[she has been watched for a while, and her every crime and transgression has been well documented]*

Nu discreetly presses a button under her desk anyway.

Suddenly, Galactic Alliance and G.U.N. Soldiers arrive to check out the situation

 Soldiers arrive to check out the situation

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"Is everything alright?!"

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"Is everything alright?!"

Chloe Decker: *[following protocol as best as she can in spite of not knowing how to work alongside Zakuulan Overwatch]* What's the situation?

Fingolfin: It appears that the fugitive attempted to use you and your men to prevent me from fulfilling my duties.

Chloe: Very well. Do you require assistance?

Fingolfin: Not at this time. Though if you could stand by, just in case, I would appreciate it.

Nu(in Ithorian language): Arrest him!

Chloe: I'm sorry, Senator. But we can't do that.

Nu(in Ithorian language): I said. . . Arrest him.

The GA and G.U.N. Soldiers raise their blaster and assault rifles.

*[the barrels are all turned on Nu]*

Nu backs up a few steps and quietly gets her blaster pistol.

Nu(in Ithorian language): Back off!!

*[Nu points her weapon at Fingolfin.]*

Nu touches her wrist link and calls in an extraction transport.

Fingolfin: *[uses magic to neutralize her weapon]*

Suddenly, a her transport arrives and fires it's dual laser cannons at the senate tower in Central City.

Suddenly, a her transport arrives and fires it's dual laser cannons at the senate tower in Central City

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Nu sprinted towards the window and onto the transport.

Nu(in Ithorian language): Take me to Castle Mobius.

Pilot: Yes ma'am.

*[the transport gets intercepted and surrounded]*

Nu(through her transmission): Move!!

Maeglin: *[igniting his red lightsaber]* No.

Nu presses a few buttons on the cockpit and fires the KT-400's dual laser cannons.

Maeglin: *[dodges with the grace of a ballerina]* *[uses the force to restrain her]*

Nu tries to fight it and makes a loud scream.

*[she is put under arrest for her various crimes]*

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