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*The story begins*.....

The current time is 7 in the morning and no one could be seen in the Kim mansion except one person Mrs Kim. Kim jungkook....Wife of Kim taehyung. It's been years but still Kim jungkook looking stunning, ethereal even in his simple causal clothes. He was doing his work as it's his daily routine to be called.

He let out a sigh when he done with his works.

" I think all is done",.... He again recheck the foods he made and went upstairs with tray of coffee. He entered one of the room not knocking as he knows his one one and only son is deep in his dream land and not gonna wake up soon. He chuckled looking at the scene. His son taeguk was sleeping soundly. He placed the coffee tray on the night stand before sitting beside his son, he ran his fingers through his son's silver hair making him hum in his sleep. The boy moves and placed his head on his mother's lap feeling satisfied as kook caressed his hair with his soft hand.

"Good morning mom",....... He smiled at the pouting boy on his lap. He lean down placing a kiss on his son's hair. " Good morning cub, wake up , common it's getting late you have uni right ",.......

Taeguk:" Can't I not go uni today, it's so boring without you you know ",..... He whined nuzzling his face more to his mother's Tommy.

Kook:-"Oh okay then I'll talk to your father about my admission in your uni then we will go together what sa-.......",.... He flinched when the boy got up and sat holding his both shoulders.

Taeguk:" WHAA........AAT, OH MY GOD really mom-......

Kook:" Yah I was just kidding you idiot, how can you even think i will go uni in this age huh",...... He laughed at his son whose sholder almost dropped on the ground.

Taeguk:" I was so excited you know you broke my little heart mom, i thought you will go with me uni and no one professor would be able to scold me again. I will live there like a king and -...",..... He Yelp when his mom held his ear and twisted it.

Kook:" You brat now i know why you got excited hm",....... The boy gave a mischievous grin making his mother to twisted his ear more. He Yelped dramatically.

Taeguk:" Oww mom mom it's hurts ",...... But kook didn't listen but twisted his ear more......." Oh dada you here ",....... Kook immediately left his ear and turns his head to see his husband but there was no one, that's mean his son fooled him, he huffed but before he could do anything his son gives a kiss on his cheek and ran to washroom giggling loudly.

Taeguk:" Why you are so cute mom I love you, love you a lot",..... The boy shouted behind the washroom door making kook shook his head with a beautiful smile.

Kook:" Love you too my idiot cub, Come fast okay",....

Taeguk:" Okay",...

Kook shook his head and left the room taking the coffee tray.

He walked a little far from his son's room and knocked on the door after second the door opened revealing a middle age women just as age as kook.

" Good morning kookie",..... The woman smiled at him making him smile wide.

Kook:"Good morning noona",.... He passed two cup of coffee to her which she held it......" Isn't hyung wake up?",.....

Yn:" Yeah, he is in washroom, um are jen and jisho wake up?",......

Kook:" I think they may have up noona as both were saying it's their school function is going to start and both of them are leaders so",...  

Yn:" Yeah, still couldn't believe that both are leaders of their school, i mean if it's jisho then I'm not surprised as she is good at study, smart and quite good at everything but jen?,  i don't know who is that old dumb head who gives the responsibility to her ",....

Kook:" And how you know that the person is a old man ", he laughed

Yn:" I know it's their principle ", she grinned and both laughed.

Kook:" Noona you can't say my jen booba is a irresponsible indirectly okay I won't tolerate this",.......he fake glared at her

Yn:" You are so good at catching the facts kook--........

They didn't knew that one pare of eyes were looking at them and listening their talks with a glaring pout.

" How can you say such a word about your daughter mama you betrayed me",.... Jennie fake cried as she hugged kook from side as he was still holding the tray making him giggle........" Now i don't have two parents, i only have one parents and they are koo mumma and tae dada ",...

Yn rushed inside placing the cups on the night stand she came and twisted Jen's ear making her scream and kook to laugh.

Yn:  What you said you little daughter of a Satan",......

Jenny : You mean papa is a Satan",...she gasped dramatically covering her mouth with her palms acting shocked.

" Who is Satan", the said male came out of the room fully dressed. He smiled at kook who was giggling but stopped when he saw him......" Good morning jungkookie",.....

Kook: Good morning hyung and jen bubba don't be so naughty with mama okay",.... He kissed on her temple, smiled at yn before leaving the three of them.

Naughty jen immediately ran to her papa hugging him from side she said.

Jenny : You know papa mama was calling you a Satan ", she pouted innocently looking up at her father who gave a questioning look to his wife who gulped.

Yn: Yahh I was saying to you not him you brat",.....

Jenny: So can you please explain the meaning of daughter of satan mama ",...... She battled her eyelashes like she is the most innocent one here.

Yn: Whose daughter you are,  oh how can I forget that we found you under a bridge. Poor baby was freezing in cold, we felt so petty and bring her with us right oppa".....

Jen huffed hearing her as she walked inside and sat on the bed with hand crossing on her chest. And don't ask about the pout.

Jenny : I hate you mama",.... Both chuckled at their daughter's childish actions. Both went to her, sat both sides of her they hugged her from both sides.

Both: " And we love you more baby",..... They said in unison making her pout grower than before.

Jenny:" I love you both too, and I'm not adopted okay ",......

" Okay our grandma ",...... She whined as both laughed.


Kook entered their shared bedroom. He placed the coffee tray on the bed side table as he made his way towards wardrobe choosing the outfit for his husband he placed on the bed neatly.

He placed every single thing near the suit which his husband uses like his mobile, his Rolex watch, his important files and laptop and lastly a matching tie , so that his husband will easily found everything after coming from bath.

After he done  he made his way to downstairs towards his mother in law's bedroom. As he step inside he saw his mom was looking up at ceiling but she smiled as soon her eyes landed on her son in law.

" Good morning mom",..

"Good morning kookie ",....

Kook:" How are you feeling mom ",...he asked as he helped her to sit on the bed resting her back on the headboard.

Mrs Kim: " Is tae up baby",....

Kook : Yes he is, he is getting ready for office, everyone also up now it's your turn, let's help you to bathroom ok",....

She nodded as he helped her to bathroom, after giving her everything she needs in bathroom he left.

After sometime he again came with food for the elder woman. He feeds her with his own hand after she done eating he gave her usual medicines.


I'm saying again my English is not good so bear with as it is okay.

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