☆Chapter 3 : The Fascination for humans☆

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Ashley and Ariel both swim faster towards their father and meanwhile...

Someone's watching then both from a glass ball and she swiping it's octopus tentacles on it. It's non other than their Aunt URSULA.

She says "Yes hurry home princesses. We wouldnt want to be late for Daddy's gathering now would we??" With a sarcastic tone.

She then takes a breath and say "Perhaps I'll join them! Oh wait! What a shame? It seems that Big Brother forgot to invite auntie Ursula to the party!!" With a fake hurt tone.

She moves her tentacle towards a nest and grabs a lobster and says "AGAIN!!"

Oh i should be the one throwing parties not waiting on an invitation" she continues.  She takes the lobster on her finger. She says "Oh the feasts we had when I lived in the palace!"

She then eats the lobster and moan in its taste and then spit it out. She says "And now look at me family pariah, wasting away to practically nothing! Banished and exiled, driven halfway to madness in this dim little crevice for 15 long years."

She goes towards the mirror and look at herself. She says "While Daddy and his spoiled little mer-brats celebrate the Coral Moon"

She takes a deep breath with a wicked smile and a eyebrow raise and say "Well, I'll give them something to celebrate" and she then pushes the circular mirror and go from there.

She swims and says with a singing tone "I may have found Daddy's weaknesses! YESS!!"

She swipes her tentacle front of her eyes and say "Red's and blonde's fascination with humans be just the opening, I've been waiting for!" She says it and go back to the darkness.

Meanwhile Triton...

Triton : It is irresponsible! Your sisters are only here for one phase of the Coral Moon. Can u imagine any one of them missing the gathering!"

Ariel : No! You're right. We are sorr-

Ashley cuts her and say "No weren't! Father, we cannot live in this kind of cage anymore. It's suffocating for me and I want my freedom. We were just exploring and a shark chased us!

Ariel glares at her for saying it.

Triton with a shocking expression turns towards Ashley and says "Shark!?? So you both went to ship wrecks again?"

Ariel opens her mouth fir explanation but Ashley says "Yes, we did and weren't afraid of you father! Just let us live our lives!!" She storms away angrily from there.

Triton looks at her and says "Why don't you understand that they are dangerous waters and I worry about you both!? And your obsession about humans should be stopped!"

Ariel says "Father, I know Ashley shouldn't have just stormed off and said that but we just want to know more about them"

His father turns away from her and say "No u shouldn't and you know all u need to know"

Ariel stands up and says "Why are you doing this, u barely let us go to the surface"

Triton with a anger tone says "Why are you both such a stubborn and strong minded ones?? Just like ur mother!"

Ariel quickly says "We are her daughters father!! U have to understand and u try to unders-"

Triton cuts her off and turns. He quickly lean towards her and says "I've understood enough and I've tried. But as long as live in my ocean, you'll obey my rules!! Do u understand that!!?" He says with demanding tone.

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