☆Chapter 6 : Love & Boundaries☆

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Eric goes to the shore but either side of where his brother was.
He looks at the shore and sigh. He breaths heavily and decides to open up his mind. So, he starts singing....

Ashley faintly listens his song from the sea. She feels bad thinking about her sister.

She goes to find her sister and swims. She hears her vocalizing her siren voice.
Playing with the fishes.

Ashley rushed towards her and calls out "Ariel!!!" But she doesn't respond.
So she grabs her hand and say "Ariel, i'm talking to you!"

She quickly comes out out of daze and look at Ashley. She says "Huh?"

"Ari-" Ashley gets interrupted when her other sister calls out "Ashley could you give me a hand?"

Ashley looks at Ariel for a while and then turn. She says "Yes, Ofcourse!" and go towards her other sister. Ariel follows her too. They both see their sister removing the wood and things of ships.

They hear their sisters conversation.

CASPIA : How do we entangle this? Does these humans have any idea how much damage their shipwrecks do?

Ariel starts to open her mouth but Ashley was fast to say. She says "I don't think they intended to have a shipwreck" She motions ariel to untangle some nets. And Ariel does.

Ariel then talks "Yes, she's absolutely right!"

Caspia, looks at her intently and says "They are careless Ashley, Ariel"

"No they aren't!!! Why don't you understand this?? Some of them lost their life because of our sea too!! Are we blaming ourselves for it!?? No right??" Ashley says fiercely

"Calm down Ashley!! Why don't you understand that it will take thousands of years for this Coral to grow back. And they've killed nearly all of the sea fern" Her sister tells her.

Ariel can see Ashley in verge of tears. She sees that Ashley made a tight fist controlling her anger.

When Ariel was about to say to stop the conversation, her other sister starts saying, "They'd kill us too, if they had a chance"

Ariel finally opens her mouth and says "Don't do that!! No, no. They're not all like that"

PERLA : "Hmm.. how would you know that?! How would ASHLEY know that? Coz you both have never even seen one. You both were just a child when Mother died, and father stopped us going to the surface"

Ashley turns around and says "You don't get her?? Ariels just meant, we're not all the same! So why should humans be?"

"What about humans" Their father, Triton arrives asking in a loud tone. Ashley, Ariel and their sister turn towards him and see him looking intently at Ashley and Ariel.

Ashley turns around. She doesn't want to face him.

He give Ashley an angry look and say "Did u hear what I asked, ASHLEY!?"

She still doesn't answer him so Ariel comes on behalf of her sister and says "She, she just meant.."

But then Perla cuts her by saying her father, "Look at what their shipwrecks did!"

Triton looks at his surroundings and say "They are dangerous species! They have no respect for the balance of the oceans. They got what they deserved!" He throws of his throne on the ground.

~☆♡°Love above the waves°♡☆~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang