"Quickly Red Scarab!" He gestured for her.

Red Scarab slides under the door with him taking his staff. Trying to catch their breath that they have passed through the traps alive. But with these powers, they were able to survive.

"We.....made it.....Kitty" Red Scarab panted too hard.

"Now....that's teamwork Bugaboo" Black Sphinx caught his breath.

"Yeah. I did not get squished like a bug" Red Scarab said.

Black Sphinx helps her stand up, "I'm glad you're in one piece"

"For a cat can always land on his feet with nine lives," Red Scarab said.

"And he always will again" Black Sphinx said before looking around to see where they are.

"Looks like we're inside some chamber," Red Scarab said.

"Whatever is guarding it sure hates a living intruder to be living" Black Sphinx said.

"Apparently Kitty. But we'll try to defeat it" Red Scarab said.

"That's the spirit," Black Sphinx said.

"Lord Anubis really doesn't want a bad mortal to claim something in here" Red Scarab saw the carvings of the history between Horus and Seth.

"Yeah. There's always a price" Black Sphinx looks at the carvings.

They saw how the gods battled each other on the carvings. Horus won as king of Egypt.

"The stories of their fight interests me," Black Sphinx said.

"Why? Everyone thinks it was just a story" Red Scarab said.

"Yeah, but it seems to be true since we've seen some of them in person," Black Sphinx said.

"They say gods were 10ft taller and had gold running through their veins instead of blood," Red Scarab said.

"Yeah, I've never seen a god bleed," Black Sphinx said.

"Let's keep moving. If the myth is real from stories, the undead sure will likely try to mummify us alive" Red Scarab held a torch to light up in the tomb.

"Right behind you, Bugaboo" Black Sphinx held his own torch.

"This is no grave robbery, kitty. If the pharaoh does something beyond madness, it would be much worse than the evil gods" Red Scarab said.

"Yep," Black Sphinx nodded.

"But there are so much worse than bad things in life we cannot imagine, bugaboo. If Hathor the goddess of love would have done something for them to understand hatred only destroys everything into nothing" Red Scarab found a way in through the statues of Anubis.

"Only love can conquer hate" Red Scarab looks briefly at the statues.

"Anubis sure doesn't want anyone to be brought back from the dead but to punish those who became undead at a price" Black Sphinx lights the lanterns for more light, despite having night vision.

"Our world can't support so many lives without death" Red Scarab lights up another lantern.

"And Anubis was right about that. Everyone has one life to live a life. We cannot escape mortality when we are created to be mortal" Black Sphinx said, nearly almost falling into a pit of scorpions, "Whoa! Well, sometimes life can try to kill us without knowing how we are gonna die" He moves away from the pit.

"We gotta be careful, Kitty" Red Scarab looks down.

"I really hate rats, spiders, and scorpions" Black Sphinx shuddered.

Red Scarab and Black SphinxOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz