Chapter 15

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A/N: wow has it been a while. Well, here you go, chapter 15, with hopefully more to come.

Also, sorry for any mistakes, I welcome any comments informing me of anything I should edit.

side note:
opinions on the super bowl?
who else is a huge fan of Selena Gomez? I love her new song.- comment and tell me

Chapter 15
POV: Melody Jones

I watch as Grayson walks towards me in a way that doesn't seem like him. It seems that at this moment, he is truly vulnerable. I didn't expect to witness this kind of thing so soon. But, I am glad I did. My mind wanders back when Jameson snapped.

"You're acting too quick-" Jameson cut Grayson off, suddenly standing in front of him, face to face. There were no words for Jameson's expression. Something far more than anger.

"You always say that. You said that with Avery, you say that with Melody. You know who else you said that with?"

I am almost positive that it was this moment that made all the difference. I need to find out who Jameson was talking about.

My thoughts are interrupted as Grayson and I walk through the doorway, reminding me how slow we have been walking in silence. I am not sure there will be much conversation on this walk, but I think we both need the thinking time.
So I think.

Whoever Jameson was talking about when he snapped at Grayson, even if he never mentioned their name, had a tremendous effect on Grayson. As I play back the scene over and over again, I can still see his eyes go cold and his whole body tense up. I'm worried if I bring it up again, Grayson will react just the same, frozen and silent. Grayson is clearly not ready to talk, so I don't speak until we arrive at our destination.
We finally get to the doorway and Grayson stops as I walk further, when I notice, I turn around. And as he starts to walk away, I call out, "Thank you, Grayson."

He stops to turn around and look me in the eye, but walks away without a word.

I stay there standing for what feels like eternity until I hear a loud thump coming from the walls. Perhaps it's coming from the room next to me? I walk out to check and knock on the door, but there's no response. Slowly, I turn the door knob, checking if its locks and the door creaks open.

There's no one there.

I proceed to walk back to my room determined to find out what that noise was. I know it was coming from the walls, so maybe a passageway like the one I went in with Xander? After all, he did say this house is filled with secret passageways. I search everywhere, I check the fireplace, the bookshelf, my bed, any artwork, any levers that might open a secret door, but nothing.

And then I'm wondering, what am I missing? I have checked everywhere, and time is running out. Whoever, or whatever made that noise is long gone by now. And suddenly, it hits me.

The closet.

I rush in there immediately, desperate to find something, it's pretty empty since I'm sure this room has been vacant for quite some time, but I rummage through what little there is. There's some artwork, a chair, a vanity, some ceiling high shelves, and a smaller, double door, white, wooden wardrobe. First, I check behind the artwork, maybe there's a lever, or a button or something even a little suspicious.

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