Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
POV: Melody Jones

I had only arrived at the Hawthorne House a few minutes ago, yet there was already a crowd forming.

I can't stop staring at Avery.

She's my half sister.

She doesn't even know that.

I keep telling myself not to let something slip, I can't let them know who I really am. I'm just a girl who has a secret. Many secrets. Too many secrets.

I walk up to Avery and see someone standing next to her, almost in front of her actually. As I get closer, the man steps in between her and me holding his hand up. Just from this gesture, I can tell he is her bodyguard. He asks in his deep gruff voice, "Who are you?"

"My name is Melody Jones." I reply, not knowing what to say other than that. What was I supposed to say? I'm the daughter of Tobias Hawthorne who's still alive? I just decided to leave it at that. I can't give too much away. Leave it a mystery.

I look over at Avery and she looks at me perplexed, most likely running possibilities through that head of hers. I bet I could beat her in chess, after all, I am the daughter of her most challenging opponent. In that moment, she decides to speak up, silencing her bodyguard in his process of protest. "Why are you here?"

I stutter, and the words slowly pour out of me. It was a simple question, yet the answer I had been told to say is layered with meanings that I don't even understand. I purposely leave things out knowing that it would ruin everything. I'm treading on thin ice here. "I was told to come here by someone you may know." Although Avery is the one who asked the question, I direct my response towards her bodyguard. I know she knows who my father is, but only through an alias, the bodyguard definitely knows who my father was before he faked his death. I can see Avery's wheels turning, but coming up blank. But, on the other hand, the bodyguard just looks at me in skepticism.

My hope to get into the Hawthorne House is slowly fading, and I can see the bodyguard getting ready to turn me away. I suddenly remember something my father said to me before I left.

"If you decide to go, tell my family you know something they don't. That will get you in. There's nothing they love more than a puzzle."

"Miss, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Avery looks like she doesn't want me to leave, and I play on that. I need to get into Hawthorne House, and I will by using my strengths.

"Wait!" I say, "If I leave right now, I can promise you won't ever see me again, I won't ever bother you again. But, I know something you don't, and without me, you won't ever know." This is really risky, but if Avery is such a risky gamble, why can't I make a gamble on her? In their moment of silence, I get ready to be disappointed, but it turns out that what I said paid off. There's nothing they love more than a puzzle. I guess he is right. Even after all these years away, he still knows his family like the back of his hand.

"You can stay." Avery says, and I see the bodyguard look at her in surprise. "But you need to explain right now, and give me a better reason."

I'm still thinking of a response, staring at Avery and her bodyguard, when I see someone quickly walk up to us. Avery's bodyguard turns around, and has a hushed argument with the person. I can't see who it is, his tall frame blocking my view. Avery also turns around, she looks confused. I sure would be if I had inherited that much money.

But, much to my dismay, she turns back to me, and isn't deterred from our topic of conversation. She asks one more time, "Please explain, you have my attention but you need to give me a better reason than that."

Once again I feel trapped, how do I get out of this? I search my head for answers, and in the end, I only come up with one solution. "I can't tell you everything right now, with time, everything will make sense. That envelope in your hand may not explain everything, but you will understand what it means soon. Tobias Hawthorne left everyone an envelope, some of the letters long, and some just a single sentence. In those envelopes, is the reason why you are here." And after saying that last sentence, I know I got her. I know she's convinced.

While she's thinking, which she seems to do a lot, I take in her appearance. Like really take in her appearance. I can't get over the fact that we have the same hair. Her's is longer, but it's the same shade of brown. I started rethinking my decision to come to his place.

But, both my mind and eyes wander over to where Avery's bodyguard speaks with someone. They look like they are having a heated argument but I only hear bits and pieces of their loud whispers.
"...concerns Ms. Grambs ..."

Although my name is not mentioned, it's no secret they must be talking about me. The person side-steps the bodyguard and finally comes into view. Before he can get a word out, he's standing there, starstruck. He looks at me with wide eyes, frozen into place. I don't think I've seen him before, I would have remembered it. I don't know if it's his perfect suit or his stone gray eyes, but he glows with power. He must be one of the grandsons. I'm almost intimidated, but then again, I just need to figure him out. There is always something behind every facade people keep up.

I have a feeling I'll be having a lot more run-ins with him over the time I'll be here.


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, longer one coming this week!

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