Chapter 37

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"Mum." Ellie groaned, appearing at the top of the stairs, as Davis cried in Julian's arms. "I can't sleep."

"That makes two of us." Julian tells her

"He's been sleeping so well." Brooke sighs

"I think they tag off." Julian tells them "That way, they both get their rest, unlike us."

"It'll get better." Brooke reassured making a bottle for Davis.

"You said that months ago." Ellie says "Seriously, I say we go with plan "B" she deadpanned

"we find a really nice mansion and leave them on the porch. After that, we sleep, we go to movies, we go to restaurants, and we never speak of this again." Julian agrees jokingly

"I'll take him." Brooke said taking the baby from Julian "Oh, what have you got to be so grumpy about? Hmm? You want this?" She asked trying to give him the bottle which he refused

"I got to sleep." Julian yawned "Every night, every hour, you're driving around in the car, I'm walking around like a zombie. People say it gets better?"

"Yeah well, People lie." Ellie shrugged

"You're stressing out about the sound stage?" Brooke asked him

"Yeah." He admitted "It's gonna work out, right?"

"It's gonna work out." Brooke reassured

"It has to." Julian repeated

"It will." Brooke says "And then we'll see movies... and maybe even sleep. I promise." Brooke gives Julian a kiss, and they both look down at Davis who had finally fallen asleep.

"See?" Brooke smiles

"Oh thank god." Ellie says flopping down on the living room floor. Just as Jude began crying

"Are you serious?" Ellie questioned

"I got it." Brooke tells her husband as he lies down on the couch.

"Plan "C"... we take them to an orphanage. They're cute. Somebody will take them." Ellie deadpanned

"Somebody would. Somebody would take you." Brooke says quietly as she takes Davis back to his bed room.


"Hey. Dude. Wake up." Brooke says gently shaking Jude's hand, he was asleep in Ellie's arms, Ellie also asleep. Davis sat next to them in his car seat.

"We are awake during the day." Brooke says, as Ellie sits up rubbing her eyes, Jude beginning to cry, at being awoken so abruptly. "Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah. You get a job, you go to work, and you can sleep at night. Yeah. Yeah."

"Really mum?" Ellie muttered

"Sorry baby she apologised, as there was a knock on the door.

"Oh, look who's upset when he doesn't get to sleep. Join the club." Brooke tells Jude as she walks to the door, revealing Victoria on the other side.

"There they are. My handsome men." Victoria gushed over the babies walking straight past Brooke.
"Hey grandma." Ellie caches her attention

"He El." She greets kissing her forehead.

"Oh, you're just fabulous." She tells Davis

"Hi, mum." Brooke calls only to be ignored

"Oh, you're just fabulous. You're the fabulous baker boys! Yes, you are! Ooh, yeah. Let me hold you." She says picking up David

"These outfits are adorable, Brooke!" Victoria tells her

"Thank you. I made them, which brings me to this. I have an idea for a new line." Brooke begins

Family first ~ a sequelOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz