Chapter 6

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"Okay, it's okay. Angie, it's okay, sweet girl. No, don't cry, baby girl. Please!" Brooke tires holding the fussy baby as Peyton walks out her room, and Ellie comes down the stairs, both looking really tired.

"Don't you want to sleep?" Brooke asks

"I do, Brooke." Peyton says

"Me too." Ellie adds rubbing her eyes

"Okay, you know I love you, all right? And I love baby Angie, but I also really, really love my sleep, and I haven't gotten any in like three nights."

"Yeah, and it shows." Brooke replied

"Thanks. As if I didn't know I look like Amy Winehouse pre-rehab." Peyton mumbled

"Guys, I'm sorry. Okay, she didn't come with instructions, and she's nothing like Ellie was as a baby. but I will figure it out." Brooke reassures "I promise. I promise. Hey. Hey. Hey. Come on." Brooke takes Angie into her room laying her down in the crib, still crying

"I'm the purple monkey, and I sure wish you'd stop crying." Brooke said moving the monkey around

"Hey, baby! Who wants a pacifier?" Asked Peyton

"Look! Ooh, who wants a bottle?" Asked Ellie waving the bottle around. "You hungry?"

"How about, uh, Brooke's boob? Huh?" Peyton suggests earning a glare from Brooke

"Hey. Hey. Look at the dancing animals. Aren't they funny?" Brooke try's again "Hey!" She smiles before accidentally letting go and it flying into Peyton's face. Finally Angie stops crying and gives a small smile

"Oh, my god, did you think that was funny? Look! Look! Hey!" Brooke says throwing another at an unimpressed Peyton.

"No. No, we like that, remember? It's funny." Brooke say throwing another

"Brooke, really?" Questioned Peyton annoyed

"I need some breakfast." Ellie mumbled before leaving the room, Peyton follows.


Brooke eventually joins Peyton and Ellie in the kitchen.

"She's finally sleeping." Brooke says "I think the crying wore her out. Hey, I'm sorry about the stuffed-animal thing. I just ... I was desperate." She adds opening the fridge to grab some water.

"It's fine." Peyton tells her "But, I mean, do you think Angie's illness has something to do with her fussiness?"

"It's not supposed to." Brooke sighs

"If I were having heart surgery, I'm pretty sure I'd be a little fussy." Peyton adds

"Yeah, but the doctor said her heart condition doesn't even really affect her now. It's just that, if she doesn't have the surgery, it'll cause big problems later. For now, she's supposed to be a regular little baby." Brooke complained

"Well, she is, and regular little babies cry sometimes." Peyton tells her

"Sometimes." Brooke questioned "Peyton, she cries all the time, Ellie was the easiest baby, she never cried. I feel like she doesn't like me."

Oh, no, come on. She's gonna love you. You'll see." Peyton reassured


"Hey! How's the baby?" Haley asked walking out the house as Peyton, Ellie, Brooke and Angie turned up.

"Don't ask." Ellie deadpanned

"Wake her up. I'm leaving her here." Brooke adds

"Oh, that bad." Asked Haley

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