Chapter 1

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"There's uncle Nate." 5-year-old Ellie pointed out as Nathan came out the building, she had been waiting for Nate and Lucas with Haley and Jamie.

"There's my little track star." Nathan said before kissing Haley.

"Oh, sweetie, he is..." Haley began only to be cut off by Jamie


"Did you hear that?" asked Nathan "He just said ball. I swear he just said ball."

"I think he did." Ellie agreed

"He said ball, man." Nathan said again as Lucas joined them.

"He's definitely your son!" said Lucas picking Ellie up "And he's a lucky kid. You look more and more like me every day."

"Say it again." Said Haley "Say it again. Ball. Ball."


Nathan's shooting the basketball, when Lucas and Ellie walk in.

"Little early, aren't you?" asked Lucas as Nathan chucked Ellie his basketball

"Maybe after tonight people will look at me as a champion again, not a point-shaver." Said Nathan

"We're gonna win this one, little brother." Lucas told him.

"Oh, yeah." Asked Nathan.

"Me and uncle Nate vs you daddy?" asked Ellie as she threw the ball to Nathan

"Bring it on." Said Lucas

"We're gonna smoke you." Ellie chuckled

"Is that so?" asked Lucas as Nathan chucked her the ball.


"Attack the gap! Attack the gap!" Lucas yelled as Nathan dribbled the ball going in for a layup getting the ball in. "Get back on D! Come on!" Lucas yelled as the other team scored, Lucas threw his pen on the ground, Whitey who had Ellie sitting on her lap gave her a smile shaking his head, Ellie like she always had back home during the ravens game, once again found herself sitting on the bench, cheering on the team.

"Look high-low! Look high-low!" Lucas yelled, as the cobras scored again, they managed to turn in around Nathan dribbling in again getting a dunk. Lucas's grinned pointing his pen at Nathan. Now they were only down by a goal. They've waited for the other team to throw in managing to intercept the ball. It got thrown round a bit before Nathan getting it, he's brought it up above his head before shooting it. Bringing them up to even.

"After a game that's seen 17 lead changes, we're all tied up with less than a minute to go in the fourth. Scott's been carrying this team, but does he have enough left in his tank?" the announcers voice could be heard.

"Ok... Listen up..." Lucas told them as they had a time out, he's stopped when Whiteys come up to join. "Sorry, coach. What's the game plan?" asked Lucas stepping back slightly.

"You tell me. You know, I told you someday that you'd be taking over. Well, this is it." Whitey told Lucas "You're ready. Go on. Bring us home." And with that Whitey left heading into the locker room

"It appears Whitey Durham is headed to the locker room I guess that leaves the Cobras under the leadership of assistant coach Lucas Scott, who used to play for Durham once upon a time."

Lucas looked slightly worried before grabbing the clipboard "Okay. Heads up. We're gonna go man-to-man, full-court press. I want you to force the ball sidelines. Anticipate this pass over the top. When we get the ball back, they're gonna double-team, so I want you to stagger screens here and here. Nathan, ball's in your hands."

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