Chapter 27

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"Mum?" asked Ellie walking down into the kitchen, laughing as she saw Brooke with a pair of gloves on, as she prepared the turkey.

"Don't laugh, or I'll make you do this." Brooke told her

"Hey, um, since that's such a big turkey and there's only 4 of us, do you think Dylan and Sam could come?" she asked "Tom and Jo have to work."

"both of them on Thanksgiving?" Brooke asked, Ellie nodded

"I guess that's what you sign up for when you a cop, Dyl said there just going to be home by them selves."

"Alright." Brooke agreed, "Go ring them first."

"Thanks." Ellie smiled skipping over to the phone, dialing there home number.

"Ooh, Brooke Davis in the kitchen. Is it wrong that I'm getting turned on?" Julian asked as he walked out the bedroom.

"A little bit." Brooke said "I'm trying to be domestic."

"Domestic Brooke is cute." Julian said going to give her a hug, but she pushed him off.

"Hang on." Brooke said as she pulled the gloves of before going to the oven, taking out what was meant to be a apple crips.

"What's this?" asked Julian peering into the oven

"Apple crisp." Brooke tells him as she placed it down on the counter

"Mm-hmm!" Julian muttered not convinced

"Dylan and Sam are gonna come." Ellie smiled walking back over to the counter. "Sam said he'll drop them off on his was into work."

"Ok." Brooke agreed

"What's that suppose to be?" added Ellie pointing at the apple crisp.

"An apple crisp." Brooke said "is it really that bad?" Julian and Ellie kind of glanced at each other not saying anything. Just as Sylvia walked in

"Good morning, pilgrims." she smiled "Guess what, Julian. I got the ingredients for your favorite..." Sylvia held up the tub of whipped toppings "The Fluffy salad."

"Yes!" Julian exclaimed taking it from her.

"Oh." Sylvia muttered looking down Brookes apple crips, like everyone else had. "Is that an apple peel?"

"It's rustic." Brooke muttered

"Oh. It's interesting." Sylvia shrugged "Hope no one chokes." Brooke chucked the hand towel down and grabbed her glasses.

"It says three pounds apples." Brooke said frustrated

"Peeled." Julian adds as he ate a spoonful of the whipped toppings.


"Ellie!" Brooke called as there was a knock on the door.

"I'm cleaning my teeth." Ellie called back down "can you answer."

Ellie finished cleaning teeth, before running down the stairs to see Dylan and Sam following Brooke inside.

"Hey." Ellie smiled at the two Brothers.

"Hi El." Dylan smiled as he invited himself to sit at the counter.

"What's this Brooke?" he added sticking a finger in the apple crisp.

"An apple crisp." Brooke sighed frustrated

"It taste alright." Dylan said licking his finger, "It just doesn't look very appetizing.

"Thank you Dylan." Brooke smiled


"Okay, "in large saucepan, place parsley, carrots, celery, black pepper." Okay, 10 cups water... did that. Neck and giblets. Oh, my God. Gross. Okay. Okay. Okay. All right." Brooke was reading the instruction from her recipe, as she added yet another pan to the stove. the three kids were playing a game of twister on the living room floor.

Family first ~ a sequelKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat