Chapter 2

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"Somebody needs to do something about the paparazzi." Brooke exclaimed as her and Nick climbed into the limo where Victoria sat with Ellie. "They're totally out of control."

"We pay them a lot of money to talk about the brand. I hope you were nice." Victoria stated

"I was nice." Brooke said "I see you watched my daughter this time, rather than leave her with some sitter." Brooke added an annoyed tone in her voice.

"She is my granddaughter." Victoria said "Nick, did you enjoy yourself?" she added

"I did. I thought the movie was..." Nick began

"Driver, can you pull over, please?" Victoria called cutting off Nick "I'm sorry, darling. You were saying?"

"Nothing. I liked the movie." Nick muttered

"Thank you very much, and enjoy the rest of your evening." Victoria told Nick as the car stopped

"Right. Okay. I just thought that maybe..." Nick stuttered as he climbed out the limo.

"Yes, we know what you thought, Nick." Victoria said earning a glare from Brooke.

"You thought you'd have your way with my designer. A little fondling, a little tongue-kissing, something a little dirty but not too freaky."

"No, I just thought that..."

"It's Clothes Over Bro's, Nick. We want the tabloids to think that she's sleeping with you. She's not actually sleeping with you." Said Victoria "We're all set."

"Call me!" Nick told Brooke

"You are unbelievably rude." Brooke deadpanned as Ellie snuggled into her side

"Well, it's been a long day. But tomorrows even longer." Victoria began handing Brooke a few paper sheets "You have a 9:00 a.m. interview about taking the company public. I'll be there for the finer points. You just need to look beautiful and talk about your passion and your creativity and blah, blah, blah. And I've made a change to the model lineup due to the additional scrutiny from the press."

"Oh, but you forgot..." Brooke tried

"She's not on the list." Victoria deadpanned

"She's, my friend." Brooke said in disbelief

"She's not your friend. She's an employee." Victoria told her

"I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that." Brooke said

"Brooke, Clothes Over Bro's is a multimillion-dollar company. A company that you've entrusted to me to make executive decisions like these." Victoria said "We have to cut her loose."

"You're gonna fire her?" questioned Brooke

"No, I'm not gonna fire her." Victoria said "You're gonna fire her. It's your company, my dear. I just work here."


Brooke and Ellie sat at the table eating their dinner, Ellie had showered and was in her pyjamas.

"I've got to quickly make a call." Brooke sighed placing down her knife and fork.

"Are you going to fire someone mummy?" Ellie asked, Brooke nodded "You shouldn't listen to Grandma just because she tells you, you have to do something."

"It's not that easy El." Brooke said picking up the phone "She's a part of the business."

Ellie gave her a small smile before turning back to her dinner.

"Hey, it's me. It's not gonna work out for the fashion show. No, it's actually not gonna work out at all. I'm gonna have to let you go. It's nothing personal. It's just business. I got to go." Brooke finished hanging up the phone.

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