Chapter 30

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"Sorry, Julian. I told Chester that you and Brooke were getting married today." Jamie apologised, Julian and Ellie had slept over at Nate and Haley's, so Brooke didn't see him when they woke up, And Jamie and Ellie had wanted a sleep over as well. Jamie's rabbit was currently sitting on Julian's chest

"He's not taking it very well." Ellie added

"Okay. Why would your rabbit have an emotional response to our wedding?" Julian asked

"Well, he's always had a thing for Brooke." Jamie replied

"How could you possibly know that?" Asked Julian confused

"It's in the eyes." Jamie told him, Julian looked at the two kids before back at the rabbit. He then moved it off him and Ellie picked him up.

"What's this?" Asked Julian picking up half a token.

"That, my very best man, is one half of a bumper-car token." Julian told him

"Where's the other half?" Asked Ellie

"With a girl." Julian replied

"Brooke?" Jamie asked

"Nope. When I was around your age, I went to a county fair, and I met a girl, and we went on a bunch of rides together." Julian told him

"Oh, cool. Which rides?" Asked Julian

"Doesn't matter. Old county-fair rides. Totally irrelevant to the story." Julian said "Okay. One of them was the Octopus." He said with a smile

"I love the Octopus." Jamie and Ellie exclaimed together

"Anyway, the point is, it was the first crush I ever had. And not a Chester likes Brooke kind of crush, a real crush." Julian explained "You ever have that feeling?" He addled, Ellie shook her head.

"Dylan." Jamie smirked

"We're just friends." Ellie reassured "what about Madison

"I think Madison's pretty cool." Jamie admitted

"Mm-hmm. Right." Julian smiled "Well, I thought this girl was pretty cool, too. And at the end of the night, we only had one token left. So we decided to break it in half."

"So, what happened to the girl?" Asked Ellie

"I don't know. I don't even remember her name." Julian tells them "It wasn't really about the girl. It was about the idea of someone out there...for me. So I kept this half bumper-car token ever since as a reminder that somewhere out there, if I'm lucky, is my other half."


Ellie, Jamie, Nathan, and Lucas who had arrived early that morning we're at the river court, the two brother shooting

"You two punks think you can stop me?" Nathan joked as he bounced the ball at the three point line.

"No. Why are we punks?" Asked Jamie

"Cause you're standing between me and the basket."

"Oh, sorry. Do you want us to move?" Ellie asked stoping to the side, Jamie following

"No. You're fine right there." Nathan told them, taking a shot.

"Ooh. Nice." Jamie cheered as it went in

"So, have you written your best-man speech yet?" Lucas asked Jamie taking the ball

"I'm supposed to write a speech?" Asked Jamie

"Yeah. At the reception, the best man and the maid of honor, they always give speeches." Nathan tells him

"About what?"'he asked

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