Chapter 1

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Ben shouted in panic as he was thrown past me and crashed against a wall somewhere behind me.

Y/N: I think it's time for you to turn into one of your alien buddies, Ben.

I suggested sternly, annoyed by his incompetence.

Vilgax crossed his arms and laughed amused.

Vilgax: Y/N Levin, there is no alien in this universe that can stop me from conquering your puny human planet.

A growl came from behind me, looks like Ben took my advice.

Y/N: Maybe you're right, but how about metal?

I asked confidently before touching my car and turning my body into metal.

Ben jumped at Vilgax in his Wildmutt form but was caught by him.

Vilgax put both of his hands around Wildmutt's neck, slowly applying pressure.

Since he was too focused on breaking Wildmutt's neck, he didn't see me jumping at him and ramming my metal fist straight into his face, which made him let go of Wildmutt and stumble a few steps backwards.

I kept hitting him everywhere I could, not giving him a chance to counter.

Y/N: You have so many aliens but you chose this ugly, orange dog?

I asked Ben annoyed.

Wildmutt: Look what this ugly orange dog can do!

He growled as he jumped at Vilgax and tore on his leg.

Vilgax: Get off me, both of you.

He calmly demanded as he pushed me away and picked Wildmutt up by the back of his neck.

Vilgax: What a disgusting creature.

He mumbled and threw Wildmutt straight at me, making us both crash to the ground.

Vilgax: Is this truly the best this planet has to offer? I'm so disappointed.

He mocked as he kept coming closer to us at a slow and calm pace.

Vilgax: What will earth have when you two are gone? Who will protect this weak planet?

He questioned as he pulled his golden sword out.

Vilgax: I guess I will find out in a second.

He raised the sword above his head, but was shot by pink magic discs before he was able to bring it down upon us.

Y/N: Gwen?

I looked up and saw her coming down from the sky, using her pink magic to float and prevent her from crashing to the ground.

Vilgax stepped away to pick his sword up while Gwen rushed over to me.

Gwen: Y/N, are you okay?

Y/N: Yeah.

I responded, slightly embarrassed as we both pushed Wildmutt off me to allow me to stand up again.

Y/N: Looks like Ben is out for good.

Gwen: I told you guys to be careful.

Y/N: Hard to be careful when you're fighting against fucking Vilgax.

Gwen: We gotta run, there's no way we're stopping him today.

Y/N: What? He'll wreck this place if we don't stop him now.

Vilgax: Listen to your frail little girlfriend, Levin. She's the only one here who's thinking straight.

He advised while picking up and examining his sword.

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