Chapter 1: Signal

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What? You expected me to finish at least finish one of my stories before starting another one? HA! I'm a Wattpad writer, honestly, what did you expect :)? This is just another reason for me to procrastinate and put off writing my other books ( *'꒳' * )



Soundwave slowly tilted his helm, looking across the desert landscape of Nevada as his delicate hearing and keen optics scanned the scene in front of him. Points dotted across his visor and a circle scanned over the rocky terrain while a map in the corner of the screen showed a pulsing dot showed up on it, telling him where the signal was coming from.

He looked up from the cliff he was standing on, the butte giving him a 360° View of the surrounding areas. Casting one last weary glance around, he calmly stepped off the ledge and let himself free fall down to the ground.

At the last second, gears shifted and plating moved as Soundwave transformed into an MQ-9 Reaper and flew off towards the signal. After a short flight, he made it to where the ground evened out and transformed again, landing skillfully and immediately straightening up. He quickly located his target after a look around, seeing the column of smoke curling up from in between the rocks.

Soundwave looked down at his chassis as the front part of it broke away and flew off, Laserbeak circling around him once before flying over to the sight.

He walked over, his light steps barely making any sound as he crossed the short distance. The Decepticon third in command circled around until he found a clear path to the object, walking closer, every step unwavering.

His helm tilted again slightly as he came up upon the object, now seeing it was oval and round. It was a transport pod, usually used to carry precious items across long distances. It vaguely popped up in the back of his mind that they were also used to carry bots, but no one would be able to fit in this unless they were the size of the mini-con buzzing around his helm.

Soundwave knelt down by it, his tentacles detaching from the port under his chassis and slithering out. They curled around the pod and brought it forward, running themselves over its once smooth surface that had been worn down by millennia of being in space. His slender servos also went up and felt along it, trying to find the release clip. For him, it would be much easier to just carry what was inside rather than the whole thing.

His digits brushed over something on the side that made him lean towards it. His sensitive touch grazed over something that had been made by no meteor or impact. It was worn down sure, but he still froze when he read what had been scratched into the side, the lines slightly thinner than the width of his own digit. 

Enigma - SW

Soundwave let out a shaky breath that was muted by the visor, still running his servos over it, making sure it was really there. His optics couldn't believe what they were seeing right now, a marking that had been made to tell people what was in this pod. He knew.

Because he'd scratched it there before it had ejected into space.

With trembling servos, he felt up to two black buttons on either side of the small, fogged-up window on the front of the door. He took a deep breath before pushing them simultaneously, nervous to see what was inside. Laserbeak landed on his shoulder, clicking in anticipation.

Immediately, the hatch popped open, and white smoke curled out. Soundwave quickly fanned it away with his servo, his nerves turning to desperation at the suspense. A light breeze came up and swept what was left away, revealing the contents and making the cons spark feel like it was dropping to his tanks.

Two sparks, One pulseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora