The Heartbreaker (𝕤𝕔𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕗𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕤𝕪)

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A/n: Just to be clear, this is NOT a My Hero Academia fanfic 😅


  My name is Kiera Dawn and I have a history of breaking boy's hearts.


About one in every dozen people in this world were born with some sort of special ability, whether it was being able to fly or being able read nine times faster than the average human.

Some where flashy and some were useless. If you were lucky enough to have a powerful one, you could become a licensed Superhero and work with the police.

As for me, my ability was definitely interesting, but not what most people would call powerful.

Based on my previous statement, you're probably thinking I have some sort of power that makes people fall in love with me or I can brew love potions or something, but my superpower is more complicated than that.

My power is that I can see every man's ideal woman.

Once I know what kind of person my target is most likely to fall in love with, I become that person. Then, once I'm sure he's fallen hopelessly in love with me, I break his heart.

Every time I break a man's heart, I receive a small pink, heart-shaped crystal. I guess that's just a weird side effect of my power, but I've made it my goal to collect twelve of these peculiar jewels. So far, I have collected eleven.

The next heart I need to break belonged to Chris Summers, the local Superhero.

He was somewhat of a celebrity in our city- good looking, strong and keeping the streets a safer place.

Everybody liked him because he was young. Apparently, he was an idol to all aspiring Superheroes because he had reached his goals at such a young age thanks to his amazing power of summoning lightning.

He was the perfect toy- popular, handsome and living right next door.


  I blended in perfectly with the small crowd of fangirls waiting in front of Chris' house. But I was very different from them. They were mindless fools who used ineffective means to get what they wanted, which in this case, was Chris. I on the other hand, had a mastermind plan forming in my head as we speak.

Chris walked out of his house and flashed a smile at the girls. They all started screaming like lunatics and asking for autographs.

I lingered at the edge of the group, a nervous expression on my face. Being the actress I was, I paced back and fourth, notebook in hand and glancing at Chris from time to time.

My idea was to stand out so that I could get his attention. Later on I could slowly adjust my personality to fit that of his ideal woman, but to do that I had to get close to him first.

To use my power on him, we have to make physical contact.

Sure enough, he noticed the shy fangirl I was pretending to be and walked over to me.

"Hey." he said with a blinding grin "Did you want my autograph?"

"Um, y-yes please!" I stuttered, handing him my notebook.

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