Winter Resolutions (𝕗𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕤𝕪)

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'A strand of her long raven black hair fell into her forest green eyes and framed her beautiful face. She felt a strong warm hand brush it behind her ear and she looked up. A pair of bright sea blue eyes met her gaze.

'His handsome features fixed into a look of utmost adoration and care as his soft lips formed the words: "I love you more than the ocean and sky. Every night, I go to sleep thinking of you and my first thought in the morning is of your smile. I will love you as long as the stars shine in the evening sky and even after that. You are more beautiful than a dew-covered rose and the moon on a clear night. You are my everyth-'

I chucked the book across the bed before I could finish the page. I huffed in annoyance as I reluctantly got out of bed.

I was sick and tired of reading books like that one- with two perfect, beautiful main characters that were madly in love. Sure, it was a nice escape from the real world, but it was just so unrealistic.

The couples in those books never fought. They always said the most poetical things and most importantly- they were absolutely gorgeous.

They never had plain dark brown hair or eyes the color of a swamp. Their skin was never imperfect or rough and their teeth were never too big or crooked. And of course, they were never overweight.

Unfortunately, I have just given a perfect description of myself. Imperfect, unlovable me.

I didn't bother picking up the book on my way to the bathroom, my maid could do that later.

"Good morning, miss." said Mandy, my personal maid and best friend.

"Is it?" I grumbled, washing my face with a warm washcloth.

"Indeed it is!" she said cheerfully, helping me change out of my nightgown "Today you get to meet your future husband!"

I rolled my eyes. Every few months, my parents would find some single Lord looking for a wife and invite him to the mansion to meet me. But it never worked out. Most of the time, the man would be repulsed by my plumpness or lack of natural beauty and call off the engagement.

But this time it was my last chance. I had to be married before my twentieth birthday or I would be declared a lost cause. My birthday was on the 24th of December, which was right around the corner.

Sir What's-his-face was my only hope for husband. My sister was married last year, even though she's two years younger than me. But she's beautiful and kind, unlike me, so she was swept away by some rich Duke almost immediately.

"I heard Sir... Uhhh..." I started, trying to remember the Lord's name.

"Rochefort" supplied Mandy.

"Yes, him." I agreed "I heard he's from France. How will we communicate? Does he speak English?"

"I'm afraid not." said Mandy, pulling the back strings of my corset tight "I think he's bringing a translator."

I nodded and looked at my reflection. I frowned and turned back to my maid.

"Can't you pull it any tighter?" I asked.

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