From Ava to Eva 2 (𝕞𝕪𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕪)

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I opened my eyes and sleepily sat up. For a moment, I couldn't remember why I felt so miserable, before it all came back in a rush of dread and fear.

I picked up my phone, which was charging on my nightstand, and saw that I had seven missed calls- three from Max and four from Zack.

They probably didn't know if I knew or not, I rarely watched the news. Either that or they were worried about me. I tossed my phone to the side and got out of bed; I didn't feel like dealing with this right now.

It's not like Emma was dead, there was still hope. And besides, it's not like I could do anything about it. I'd just have to leave it up to the police for now.

I went to work, feeling worse than I ever have. I had a feeling that I could have done something to prevent Emma's kidnapping. Like if only I had been a better, more observant friend, she would still be at work right now, feeding baby penguins.

I sighed and left my small apartment, not bothering to even brush my hair.


I got back after another long day at Target and imidiatly flopped down onto the couch. The missed calls from my friends and the email from my boss asking me to cover one of my coworker's shifts could be dealt with later.

Right now, I just needed a minute of peace and quiet. My life has never been more confusing and difficult right now, what with Emma's disappearance which may or may not be linked to the story she wrote right before the said incident, my underpaying and tiring job and the constant stress of making enough to get by, I felt like I might explode.

Was it to much to ask for a five minute break from it all?

Just then, my phone dinged. I reluctantly got up and checked it, dreading what I would see. Another email from my boss? My friends calling to tell me the police had found Emma's body? The police calling to tell me I was their number one suspect?

I almost smiled at the absurdity of that last one. Of course they wouldn't call, they would just barge in and arrest me.

But it wasn't any of those things. It was just a message from Zack, saying 'I'm coming over'.

Why was Zack coming over?

I didn't feel like hosting a guest right now but he hadn't given me much of a choice. So I quickly got dressed into something other than my ugly red vest and brushed my hair.

Me and Zack had never been especially close, but Emma's kidnapping had probably affected him more than anyone (if he wasn't responsible for it), so I was resolved to be as polite and understanding as possible.

Soon I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I called, not bothering to stand up.

Zack walked in, looking even worse than me. His short hair was tangled and messy, his eyes were bloodshot with dark bags underneath and he looked like he hadn't changed out of his PJs, which were just a grey t-shirt and basketball shorts, in two days.

"Um... How can I help you?" I asked awkwardly.

He sighed and sat down heavily on the couch next to me.

"I just wanted to know if she told you anything before going to work the day she went missing." Zack said after a pause.

I didn't have to ask who he meant by 'she'.

"Well..." I swallowed, thinking hard "I was half asleep when she came over, so I don't really remember much, but... She was just visiting to drop of the mystery she wrote for me. She was stopping by on her way to work. Oh yeah, and Max was with her for some reason..."

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