Chap_12. A Contract

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Author’s P.O.V.

After Three Years

At Greystone Industries

A young man of late twenties was sitting on a chair in his cabin with all stern face, checking files for the meeting scheduled after half an hour.

Ryan, his PA was standing in the cabin and was trying to say something but seeing his stern face wasn’t being able to make it like always.

At some point that man looked up at Ryan and uttered coldly, “What? You want to say something?”

Ryan got stammering, “No Sir.”

With a frowning face, that man got uttering with the same stern face, “Then what are you waiting for? Go, arrange the meeting.”

That cold hearted, stern faced young man was no other than Arnav. With time he got cold to colder by heart for some unknown reason to everyone.

Nodding at him, Ryan left the cabin immediately and forwarded towards the staff.

Right then Aman, a young man of late twenties entered the office building with an all tensed face. Seeing him like that, Neha another employee spoke up, “Hey, all good?”

Aman spoke up with the same face, “Didn’t get to meet Mr. Hobson even this time.”

This time Neha got what was the problem and uttered, “What! It’s already our 5th attempt. Still no?”

Aman spoke up as he sat on his chair, “His PA clearly said they don’t want to do any business with us.”

Some other employees got near and started talking in a lower tone.

One of them spoke up at some point, “But why? Ours is the leading company in Electronics in this country and also is in the top list for even international ones. Then why are they being like this!

Aman spoke up, “They are no less in their field of Marketing and Advertising. But I seriously have no idea why they are being like this as this deal would create a win_win situation for both of these companies.”

Neha spoke up then, “What about we try for another company?”

Aman spoke up, “Have you gone mad? Don’t you know our MD? He needs perfection. He will allow nothing but the best just.”

Neha spoke up then, “Then what should we do?”

Right then Ryan, the P.A. of the MD got there and hearing them, he spoke up, “Let our MD handle this. He will get them convinced for this deal for sure by any means."

Rayan spoke up getting panicked then, “But Ryan, if I tell Him that I have failed to convince them, I will be done from my job at that moment.”

Everyone got silent at that as they all knew their MD, Arnav Greystone very well. The merciless and cold hearted billionaire.

He doesn’t take no as an answer. The moment he gets to know anyone failing to do his job, he fires him from his job at that moment itself.

Their track of silence got broken by the ringing sound of the phone of Ryan. Seeing the caller ID, Ryan immediately answered the call and uttered, “Sir..”

“You come to my cabin and tell everyone to be in the meeting room in 10 minutes.” with this one sentence, Arnav cut off the line.

Ryan looked at the other employees and spoke up, “Be at the meeting room in 5 minutes.” and left from there.

Letting out a sigh, Aman followed others to the meeting room.

Ryan entered the cabin after knocking. Seeing him, Arnav spoke up, “What’s this?” as he forwarded a file to him and added, “Why is this contract not signed yet? Who was in charge of getting this contract signed?”

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