Chap_2. A Dare

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Author's P.O.V.

After seeing the dead face of her parents, Khushi was no longer the old cheerful and talkative girl.

She became totally dull and silent. Nothing but sadness and emptiness was visible on her face.

Her neighbours, friends got tired of trying to get her back smiling.

Zohan Hobson who was not just the best friend but more like the brother to Khushi's father tried to convince Khushi to go with him to his place but Khushi strongly refused to leave her home though it wasn't home to her anymore.

After completing some important works, he again came to visit Khushi after two weeks. Finding no change in her from the last two weeks, he determined to get her to his place anyhow and tried to start a conversation with her.

Khushi was sitting on the balcony of her room when Mr Zohan got there.

Khushi seemed to be lost in her thoughts. When he uttered her name quite loudly for few times, she turned to him and he spoke up,

"Khushi, you know it very well that your parents loved you to the core. I know you would be very happy now if just they would have been alive and beside you. And you know it's not like they wanted to leave you, dear. They didn't have any option. They just had to. They must be feeling all guilty for leaving you alone. Then at least try to live happily now to make them feel less guilty. "

As Mr Zohan went on uttering all this, his eyes also got teary.

Giving up on silence, Khushi spoke up this time while shedding tears, "Let them feel guilty. They should feel guilty for leaving me alone to the point that they have to come back to me."

Wiping her eyes, Mr Zohan spoke up, "If there was a possible way, they sure would have dear. But it's not possible now. Khushi, you know what you people mean to me. I can't let you live like this. I can't be this much ungrateful. Please, dear come with me. Okay?"

After staring at him for some moments, Khushi nodded.

Mr Zohan's Place

After Mr Zohan informed Jiana, his wife that he was coming back with Khushi, his wife became so excited and immediately got a room beautifully arranged for Khushi.

She always wanted to have a girl but she got a boy instead.


Akash, being the only child of the Hobson family was always pampered which made him a carefree.

He is now about to finish his studies in a month but still all he kept doing is hanging out with his friends.

Mr Zohan and Mrs Jiana tried to make him understand his responsibilities but it was of no help. With days he was becoming just spoilt brat.

It was almost evening when Akash entered their house and found his mother pacing in the living room like she was waiting for someone.

Being confused, Akash got near her and spoke up, "What's the matter? Who are you waiting for this desperately?"

Jiana spoke up all smilingly, "Akash, Khushi is coming to live here with us. She has finally agreed. I am so happy."

Finding his mother so excited, Akash spoke up while making an all annoyed face, "Mom, that girl is coming to live with us for some days. I am not getting what's there to be so excited!"

Giving him a deadly glare, his mother spoke up, "Her name is Khushi. She isn't coming here just for some days but forever. From now she is our family member and your sister. Mind that."

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