"You seem very tired, Uzumaki-kun."

"I am." He yawned again. "I can't wait to go back home and sleep."

"May I suggest something?"

"Sure, go ahead." He rested his head against the frame of the car, truly too tired to even stand straight.

"You should lie down in the passenger's seat."

"Huh? And? When will we get home? After I wake up tomorrow?"

"...I could drive."

"What?! You know how to drive?"

She nodded.

"Daaamn, you should have told me earlier, would have saved me a lot of driving." He saw her eyes widen and started to chuckle drearily. "Juuust kidding."

"You don't want me to? I learnt how to drive and swim once I turned eighteen. I even got a Certificate of Excellence from the driving school I went to. I'm not trying to brag, but..."

"Nah, I trust you, Hinata. It's not that. But do you have your driving license on you right now?"

She shook her head.

"That's the thing. I can't let you drive without a license."

"I thought you were the type to let those kinds of things slide." She stared at him expectantly, as if she were waiting for him to change his answer.

"Nope. Get in." He went over to the other side and opened the door.

"You're surprisingly strict about this," she said, sitting in the front seat.

"I could say the same. You're too chill about this." He smiled craftily.

"But it is only for a while; it should be fine. Please let me, Uzumaki-kun."

"Nope. As the son of a cop, I can't."

"Your father is a policeman?!" She gasped. Oh no, what have I suggested?

"One of the best." He grinned while leaning over to pull the strap of the seat belt over her before buckling it.

"I'm sorry for being such an unlawful citizen." She pressed her palms against her cheeks in worry.

"Haha." He had started to chuckle again, sitting back in the driver's seat. "You're forgiven." Only because you asked so cutely.

"But that's so admirable... Your father must be so cool!"

"Sure is." He started driving towards his house. So she already knows how to drive. How disappointing. Naruto had imagined the scene of him teaching her to drive many a time in his dreams. She would sit on his lap while he'd still be driving; his hand would slink along hers, guiding her while she shifted gears; he'd hold her in place of the seatbelt; and whatnot. He shook his head as if to rid his mind of those kind thoughts. Naruto, don't think like a teen in heat. Be mature. Mature. He stole a quick glance of her from the rearview mirror. Her bangs covered her dainty forehead, and her glowing eyes looked enticing as ever. God, help me get through. "Mom and dad would love to meet you." How could anyone not?

"Really? I'm a little nervous about that. Do you think I should buy some gifts for them?"

"Nah... We're not going right away. They'd be fine if you walk in empty-handed anyways. That's a different matter."

"I'm sure they're wonderful people."

"They are. But how'd you know if they weren't?"

"If they weren't, they wouldn't have been able to raise such a wonderful son."

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