Chapter - 11

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"Thank you for yesterday and for dropping me to-today, Uzumaki-kun." Hinata bowed deeply after getting down from the black vehicle and shutting its door. She had finally reached her house after a long day. She had many things to do that she had mentally registered while being over at his place.

 "Should I pick you up after you get ready so we can go to college together?" The blonde boy asked, yawning from lack of sleep. 

"I couldn't trouble you more than this..!" Hinata answered apprehensively. It was very evident that she felt overburdened by the number of favours she was receiving from one of the most popular guys in college. "P-Please head back safely."

"Hmm, I'm the one who's worried about you, though..." Naruto pouted while resting his head on the steering wheel, looking into Hinata's ready-to-blush face. Do you hate spending time with me that much? "But if you said no, it's a no, I guess. Whateves. Take care, Hinata. Next time anything happens, call me." 

Hinata nodded fervently as if to agree completely. If it's Uzumaki-kun, I can rely on him. He's never been anything but gentle and respectful. He's also very strong... She could feel an incoming flush of red on her cheeks and cupped her face to hide the embarrassment. I can't deny that he looked really cool. No wonder so many girls like him.

"You had promised that you'd call me last time too, but you didn't. Hope it isn't an empty promise this time." Naruto commented. "I'm off then." He waved before whirring past the street, leaving Hinata at the foot of her apartment. 

That was close. He almost saw how I was blushing while thinking about him. I better head back and set things up for today.  As she walked up the stairs to get to her door, the flat owner abruptly stood in her way.

"It's six in the morning. Where were you?" The middle-aged man asked irritantly.

"Good morning, Maeno-san." She bowed, and her wish was greeted with an annoyed click of the tongue.

"This is no time for a greeting! Where were you?!" He demanded. 

Why does Maeno-san have to know where I went? "I was with my friend. We pulled an all-nighter for the upcoming e-exams." She lied because she was not obliged to brief about the very personal happenings that occurred to her the previous day.

"I see studying all night leaves bruises of fingers on the back of the neck, hmph!"

"Excuse me!!!" An alarmed Hinata immediately covered her neck and looked at her landlord in utter shock. Why is he observing so closely!? They were the bruises that the assaulters were responsible for. 

"You think we're fools here to believe that you'd be as pure as that!? All girls of this generation are rotten to the core! And you have the conceit to lie while wearing a guy's clothes! Can you make it less obvious that you slept with some guy for money just to pay rent!? "

Does he think I slept with someone?! "What?!" Hinata was dumbfounded at this man's ability to jump to such far-fetched conclusions. "If I may! I haven't done anything that y-you are shaming me for, sir!" She protested, as her lower lip quivered in humiliation. And even if I did, it is none of his business!

"Hah! All sluts say that! Now that you've made money by selling your body, you better pay up! Hmph!" He grumpily walked away after spewing nonsense, leaving Hinata almost in tears.

It almost reminded her of the time she was excommunicated from the Hyuga household for the same reasons, based on a completely fabricated lie. She was already broken, and they managed to break her even further. 

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