Chapter - 6

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"What's that, you needed help?"

"Yeah! This is something only you can do, so I am counting on you."

The brown-haired girl got excited. The guy she liked was asking her a favour and suggesting that she was special! 

"What is it, senpai~? I'll do anything you want me to!"

"Oh, then I'll have to confess to you first..."

"-!" Erika was shocked beyond words. She never thought she could actually receive a confession from the hottie of the college! Her heart started beating quickly as she failed to utter anything. 

"Hello? You there Eri?"

"Y-Yeah! Go ahead senpai!"

"You know Hinata right?"

For a moment, she was confused. Wouldn't the line usually be 'I love you', 'I like you' or something like that? Why is this guy dragging Hinata into the matter? She decided to ask.

"What about Hinata?"

"It's a little... hard to say... but... I ... I really, really have come to like her a lot."

Erika froze. What did he just say? Hinata was the one he liked?




  It felt like her world had come crashing down. Did I hear that right?  

Without even trying, a cascade of tears emerged from her reddened eyes. She was deeply hurt. She lost her voice. Everything was over. Horror and pain struck her like lightning. She wanted to bury herself in a faraway corner. She couldn't stand it. Has he been oblivious to me liking him after all this time? How could he! He's so insensitive! Senpai, you idiot! I hate you...!

But she loved him. She really loved him, even if he ruthlessly broke her heart by being completely unaware of the sincere feelings she bore for her. A dry lump pulled at the back of her throat as she suffocated with pain.

"Eri? Are you here? What's wrong? Hello? Eri? Can you hear me? Fuck, the signal must be bad. Wait for a couple of minutes, I'll call you back. Okay?"

She didn't respond. She slumped to the ground, as the beep of the ending call added to her miseries. Even now, he didn't know how distraught she felt. She wailed in pain. Fortunately, no one heard her. She cried to her heart's content until she could calm down. She ignored his calls repeatedly and gave herself time to let it all out properly. After a good fifteen minutes of soulful crying, she felt a little better, and a lot calmer. Of course, a mixture of feelings still lingered. Her phone was lighting up with several notifications. She reached over to see the texts he had sent her, from the notification bar.

Looks like the signal is too bad. My call to you is not going through. I've called 17 times. Call me when it's better. About the favour I wanted from you, Hinata seemed a little down when I dropped her. She's having a bad day I guess, so I am counting on you to make her feel better. She's your friend, isn't she? Thanks. See ya.

She gritted her teeth, holding back more tears. This jerk... she cursed him, even though she liked him. She hated how he never spared a thought about her, even now. Do you even have an idea of how much I suffer because of you! You stupid moron! 

Tears seemed to flow uncontrollably again. She then rested herself against a wall and continued to cry. Love's really harsh... she thought, as she hugged her legs and waited in the corner of the room as if she was waiting for a storm to pass. It was really painful.

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