Ruby: Weiss?

Weiss: It's... It's all gone... There's nothing left for me to go back to... Just like Beacon...

Ruby: (moving Little off her head into her hands) You did the best you could for Atlas, Weiss.

Weiss: But it wasn't enough! We hatched a crazy plan that put a whole kingdom at risk, and we don't even know if we saved the Relics from... (sighs) Maybe... Jaune and Winter were able to get them out, despite... everything... despite us... (beat) I... I know that... I know that was a lot to hear.

Ruby remains silent, she simply turns around and walks away. Thunder sounds above, and Weiss proceeds to follow her teammates, gripping her ball.

The team then arrives at a rickety bridge.

Blake: So, this is the entrance to the other... "acre" you called it?

Little: (yawning as they wake up) Yep! All we do is cross the bridge and we'll be... well, wherever over there is.

Yang: You don't know?

Little: Nope! Never been this far from home.

Ruby: Oh, uh, maybe you should go back?

Little: (still smiling) I wouldn't have any idea how to go back. Maybe I'll live by this bridge.

Upon hearing this, Team RWBY all have various shocked expressions for taking Little away far from their home. Weiss, fed up, goes forward.

Weiss: I'll handle this...

Little then builds a makeshift home from stick, stones, and leaves.

Little: (sing-songy) Building a house, my very first house, gonna find my purpose in my first house! Thank you lord Yamoshi!

Weiss: Would you like to come with us?

Little's house then collapses behind them.

Little: Yeah, that's probably for the best.

Entering the town, Team RWBY look around at the different townsfolk, all of them resembling various toys. They pass by a pamhplet saying, "BY ROYAL DECREE OF HIS HIGHNESS: THE PREEMINENT BIRTHDAY PARTY OF HIS MOST ROYAL IS HEREBY ANNOUNCED!" The same pamphlet is placed on parts of the street. Team RWBY continue walking by various vendors and stalls in the marketplace.

Blake: Just... act like you belong everybody.

Little: I've always wanted to be long, but I'm still just small.

Author: Like Mysteries dic-

The Author was then hit by a shovel the culprit was found to be mystery as he dragged the Author's body away and out of his home.

We then see Mystery digging a hole

Yang smiles a bit at Little's comment.

In the center of town, the townsfolk gather around the purple wagon. The name "JINXY" can be seen on it in big white letters.

Yang: (gasps) There it is! So what's the strategy? Just start roughin' him up or what?

Blake notices some toy soldiers watching the crowd, likely to keep order.

Blake: In the book, Alyx had to barter with Jinxy for her dagger.

Yang: Yeeeaah, I think I'd rather hit him.

The wagon is shown opening up with purple smoke. Jinxy can be seen walking out onto the stage waving to the crowd.

Jinxy: Welcome, one and all!

The idiot Saiyan of Remnant (Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now