A Fugitive's Disguise

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For a situation like this...

Well you'd expected to be scared and nervous, but it's not just scared...you were also quite amused. Which was a weird feeling since you quite literally did fucked up.

In front of you was none other than Bronya, you started to feel a knot of nerves began to tighten in your throat. "Um, you have... nice hair?" you stammered, a tentative effort to break the ice... However her response came swift and cold, a piercing glare that held steady. By her side, a short girl with vibrant purple hair and glasses stood, hands firmly on her hips. "The audacity to compliment Madam Bronya herself, after besting her own guards earlier!" she scoffed, sarcasm lacing her words.

Casting a subtle glare at the purple-haired girl, you braced yourself as Bronya drew near. "Remove the mask, fugitive." she commanded in a stern voice, leaving no room for negotiation. Your eyes widened, and after a moment's hesitation, you replied, "No thank you." You immediately said- no way were you going to remove the mask! Well- not in front of these strangers.

Bronya sighed in exasperation. "I didn't ask; I ordered you. You have to reveal your face in order for you corporate." she insisted. Your head shook stubbornly, "Absolutely not! Trust me, you don't want to see my ugly face!" The attempt to convince her carried an awareness of the opposite truth.

A glance from Bronya signaled her guards to intervene. Inward sighs echoed as you pondered, 'How many times has this happened to me...' In the background, Sophrona's frustrated groan added, 'Too many times, and I'm always there to help you.' grumbled with a touch of annoyance in her usually grumpy voice.

With an expressive eye roll, you issued a cautious, "Hey now, a bit of personal space, please." A sheen of nervous sweat adorned your forehead as you took a deliberate step backward.

Despite your warning, the guards remained indifferent, their disregard evident, while Bronya observed you with subtle curiosity. Another sigh escaped your lips, followed by a dismissive shake of your head. A chuckle slipped out, catching everyone off guard. 'Not bad acting, huh Sophrona?' A sudden wisp of inky black smoke, like ethereal tendrils, slowly appeared behind you, swirling mysteriously. 'Oh please, don't ever become an actor/actress.' she sneered, watching as Bronya and her guards instinctively distanced themselves.

"Damn... watching you guys was a blast, but I gotta go." A wide grin spread across your face, and right on cue, a portal opened on the floor beneath you. Smirking at Bronya, you caught her surprised widened eyes. "See ya." you quipped, casually walking backward into the smoke and dropping into the portal below.

The moment nosedived as you landed amidst a chaotic pile of discarded items—a mishmash of old books, toppled furniture, and forgotten trinkets. "Ugh... You could've teleported me somewhere better than this!?" frustration grumbled through your voice. Suddenly, Sophrona appeared in front of you, her mischievous grin in place as she leaned in towards you, "Yeah, no, that wouldn't be fun." she retorted with a playful smirk, earning an irritated sigh as you picked yourself up and removed your mask. "Honestly, screw you." you shot her an annoyed glare.

Just as you were about to let loose a string of cuss words towards Sophrona, a man's voice rudely crashed into the scene. Quick on your feet, you tucked yourself away through the scattered clutter, cautiously peering out ignoring the awful smell.

The man, totally absorbed in a phone conversation, was obviously stressed by the way he was puffing away on a well-worn cigarette, its ember glowing brightly in the dim light. "Yeah, yeah... Well, shut the hell up and give me my goddamn money!" his grumbled demand something- you really didn't care and just wanted him to get out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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