A Goodbye to the Space Station

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Fear consumed you as you stared at Stelle, your eyes widening in terror. The sight of her, selflessly protecting you against all odds, was something you never could have imagined in a million years. The shock rendered you speechless, unable to utter a single word. All you could do was maintain a fixed gaze on her while the wind picked up, threatening to carry you away.

Suddenly, Himeko sprung into action, grabbing hold of your coat in a desperate attempt to anchor you. "H-Hold on, I've got you!" she exclaimed, clutching onto her case. But even as Himeko held onto your arms tightly, your attention remained steadfastly locked on Stelle. A rush of guilt flooded your thoughts, intensifying as Stelle's anguished scream pierced the air.

Time appeared to freeze as the deafening crack of a cane striking Stelle's forehead reverberated through the air, grating against everyone's eardrums. The sickening thud of wood hitting flesh cut through the surrounding chaos, the noise abruptly swallowing the previously bustling soundscape. With a mixture of horror and determination, you quickly disentangled yourself from Himeko's grip and sprinted toward the fallen form of Stelle, driven by an overwhelming need to protect and assist.

As you reached her side, you glanced back at the man responsible for the attack, a flicker of concern etching its way onto your face. "What happened to her...?" you inquired, your voice trembling slightly as you sought understanding amidst the uncertainty that enveloped the scene. The man coolly adjusted his glasses, his demeanor detached despite the gravity of the situation. "It's ok now, let's talk about it later," he dismissively responded, leaving a bitter taste of frustration in your mouth. Though his evasiveness left you with more questions than answers, your focus swiftly shifted back to the motionless figure lying before you.

Stelle's unconscious body lay limp on the ground, her vulnerability striking you deeply. A soft pang of guilt surged through your heart as you tenderly whispered an apology under your breath. In that moment of remorse, Himeko approached your side, her presence a comforting balm amidst the chaos. Concern etched across her features, she sought to console you within the chaos that unfolded.

Seeking solace in her proximity, you looked into her eyes, finding solace and understanding within their depths. "I'm sorry..." you quietly murmured, your voice laced with remorse and anguish over the ordeal that had unfolded. Sympathy radiated from Himeko's gaze as she, too, looked upon Stelle's unconscious form, taking in the severity of the situation.

Himeko's grip on your shoulders was gentle yet firm, a reassuring anchor amidst the chaos that threatened to consume you. "Relax, [Name]," she pleaded, her voice tempered with concern.

A small sigh escaped her, carrying a mix of exasperation and understanding. "She'll be fine, but what you did out here was... reckless," she chided softly, her words a delicate reprimand. "Asta has been worried about you," she added.

Acknowledging Himeko's advice, you exhaled slowly, a release of tension that momentarily eased the weight on your shoulders. With a resigned nod, you gently passed Stelle into March's capable hands, entrusting her with the care and expertise needed to tend to Stelle's injuries. March's assurance resonated through her nod as she affirmed, "I got it!"

As you made your way back to Himeko's side, her head tilted with an empathetic curiosity. "Don't feel guilty, [Name]," she implored, her voice a tender caress that sought to assuage the remorse threatening to consume you. Softness radiated from her smile, accentuating the warmth in her beautiful orange eyes that locked onto yours. "But if I had moved, she wouldn't have gotten hurt," you murmured, your voice tinged with self-blame and regret.

Himeko's gaze dropped fleetingly, her brows furrowing in melancholy contemplation. Her hand found its way to the small of your back, her touch gentle yet grounding. "[Name]..." she began, her voice weighted with a mix of solemnity and compassion.

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