Red Roses

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The breathtaking sunset on your home planet remains etched vividly in your mind. As the radiant sphere of the sun dipped towards the horizon, a mesmerizing palette of orange and red hues painted the sky. A harmonious blend of fiery tones danced across the canvas of your memories, creating a scene of unparalleled beauty.

You had always cherished the recollection of strolling through a field adorned with crimson roses, their petals akin to liquid flames, as you made your way towards a gentle hillside.

So seeing this woman...made you feel...nostalgic.

The woman with vibrant red tresses, drawn in by the striking orange hue of her irises that resembled the blazing sunset of your homeworld. It was hard to look away from her, her features so captivating that you almost forgot to breathe. 'Pretty...' you thought to yourself, admiration clear in your eyes. But before you could muster up the courage to speak, the woman faced away from the others and turned to you, her focus solely on your presence.

"Ah, you must be [Name], right?" she said in a melodic voice, her gaze remaining fixed on you. Her words brought you back to the present, and with a hesitant nod, you muttered your confirmation. Your shyness was palpable, your heart pounding in your chest as you struggled to maintain eye contact.

Of course you were used to being in the presence of beautiful people - after all, your homeplanet was teeming with gorgeous people - but something about this woman...she gave you warmth, comfort, and a sense of belonging.

Her soft smile only added to your reverence as she extended a hand towards you. "It's nice to meet you, my name is Himeko," she introduced herself.

You took her hand with a nervous grip, feeling as though you were holding something fragile. As she glanced over at the rest of the group, you caught a glimpse of the warmth that radiated in her gaze. "It seems like you're all getting along already," she commented, a pause before letting out a small smile. "That's wonderful." Her charm and grace left you light-headed, and you felt even more drawn to her like a moth to a flame.

As Himeko's attention shifted towards Stelle and yourself, a curious inquiry escaped her lips. "March hasn't caused any trouble for you two, has she?" March's smug expression turned towards you, her eyes silently emphasizing the need to choose your words wisely, "Think carefully about how both of you want to reply to that."

Softly, you bestowed a gentle smile upon the enigmatic woman. "She's quite... intriguing, to say the least." Stelle, concurring with your sentiment, nodded in agreement. "Indeed she is." A mischievous glimmer flickered in March's eyes as she raised an eyebrow. "Heyyy, what's that supposed to mean? I'm not that bad, right, Danheng?"

Danheng let out a resigned sigh. "I have the right to remain silent." he replied, eliciting a small groan from March. "Don't be like that, especially in front of a special guest!" she pleaded, but Danheng simply continued to remain serenely quiet, unabated by March's playful teasing.

Himeko's gentle laughter resonated through the air, a melodic sound that reverberated in your ears. "You all are getting along quite well already," she commented, a faint note of amusement evident in her voice.

You chuckled softly as you bid farewell to the group, "It was truly a pleasure chatting with all of you, but unfortunately, I still have some pressing matters to attend to." Himeko nodded in understanding and waved at you, her voice filled with a hint of sadness, "Alright then. I suppose we'll see each other again." Returning the gesture, you walked towards Asta.

As you approached her, you gently placed a reassuring touch on her shoulder, catching her attention. "Oh, it's you..." She seemed visibly relieved by your presence and immediately embraced you. Caught off guard, you chuckled, "Whoa there. I was only gone for a few hours." Asta let out a sigh and playfully glared at you, "And guess what happened while you were away?" Still chuckling, you acknowledged your mistake, "Alright, alright, I'm sorry."

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