Astral Express

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Your gaze fixated on the passing scenery outside the train's window, your eyes tracing the familiar as it blurred by. Your hand rested against the cool glass, catching a glimpse of Asta and Arlan standing on the platform, their figures getting smaller and smaller. The sight of Asta's tearful expression tugged at your heartstrings, while Herta remained stoic by her side.

As the train began to chug forward, your hand instinctively lifted to wave farewell, a small smile gracing your lips. Amidst the noise of the departing train, you could faintly hear Asta's desperate calls for your name, prompting a cheerful laughter to escape your lips. Just as you were lost in the bittersweet moment, a gentle touch on your shoulder startled you back to reality.

Turning around, you found yourself face to face with Himeko, her soft smile radiating warmth. "It's wonderful to have you here, [Name]." she expressed sincerely. Beside her stood a tall figure, his presence got your attention. Himeko turned to him, "Ah [Name], this is Welt." You then slightly notice his distinguished appearance.

Welt's brown hair, accentuated by white stripes in the front, framed his face along with a pair of glasses. His lips curled into a friendly smile, as he extended his hand towards you. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, [Name]." he greeted graciously. Accepting his handshake, you reciprocated the gesture. "Likewise, Mr. Yang." you responded- trying to be professional while a genuine smile slowly graced your features.

Welt nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze fixed on you. "I've heard much about you," he remarked, his voice low and measured. Your eyes widened slightly, curiosity piqued. "Oh really?" you replied, attempting to sound nonchalant.

Welt pushed up his glasses, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I've heard stories of a certain individual who travel to different planets and ships, seemingly unaccompanied." His words hung heavy in the air, dripping with a sense of fascination. "It appears that you have amassed quite a following," he continued, his tone laced with intrigue.

You let out an awkward chuckle, feeling a peculiar chill crawl up your spine. Kafka's sudden intrusion into your thoughts caused a slight shiver to run through your body. 'So that's how Kafka found out.' you mused silently, your mind abuzz with a slight...fear

To your surprise, Welt seemed to sense your unease. His penetrating gaze never wavered. "Are you alright, Mr/Ms [Name]?" he inquired, his concern evident. Snapping out of your thoughts, you shook off the residual apprehension and nodded. "I'm fine, just... a little overwhelmed, I suppose," you admitted hesitantly, struggling to find the right words. "Embarrassed, by the attention I unintentionally attracted."

Himeko, who had been listening attentively, let out a soft chuckle. Stepping forward, she reached out to offer you reassurance. "It's alright, [Name]," she said gently, her voice a soothing balm to your anxiety. "We understand how it feels to be caught in the spotlight unexpectedly."

Welt nodded in agreement, his expression kind but firm. "Indeed, if at any point you find yourself uncomfortable, please don't hesitate to communicate with us," he assured you, his words soft but resolute. Grateful for their understanding, you mustered a small smile. "Thank you both," you said sincerely, genuine appreciation shining in your eyes. "Your kindness means a lot to me."

With that, Himeko and Welt exchanged a knowing glance and quietly made their way elsewhere, leaving you to your thoughts.

As you leisurely explored the train, your attention was suddenly captured by a gentle tug on your pants. Startled, you glanced downward to discover a small, endearing bunny looking up at you with an unmistakably cheerful expression. "Ah, hello there!" it exclaimed with a surprisingly animated voice. "Allow me to introduce myself: I am PomPom, the esteemed conductor of this train!"

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