Whispers in Dream's Veil

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You peered at the peculiar figures conversing with your father, the vibrant hues of orange leaves swirling in the air around you. Leaning toward your brother Ivan, who raised an inquisitive brow, you couldn't help but let your curiosity bubble to the surface. 'What's happening over there?'

A sigh and a subtle pout accompanied your question as you pointed towards the mysterious group. "Oi big bro, who are those people over there?" you asked with wide eyes, eager for an explanation.

Ivan, taking a moment to study the strangers, turned his attention back to you. "Those people? Mama mentioned them-I think they're IPCS." he shared. Your little head tilted in confusion, prompting Ivan to explain further.

"What's an IPC?" you questioned, your curiosity dancing in your eyes. Ivan gritted his teeth slightly, the weight of his words not lost on your young mind. "Interastral Peace Corporation, people from the sky." he disclosed. Your eyes widened, a spark of wonder and admiration evident. "Really? Like space?" you exclaimed, seeking confirmation. Ivan nodded, his expression softening, "Yes, just like that."

Amid the enchanting tapestry of autumn, you cast an intrigued gaze upon the group of individuals, the vibrant hues of fall leaves painting the scene with warm tones. "I wonder why they're here?" you pondered, your voice a soft melody against the rustling of leaves. Ivan, preoccupied with carrying boxes, glanced down and scoffed, "Probably up to no good."

Turning to your brother, you furrowed your brow in confusion, your eyes, a curious shade of e/c, meeting his with genuine interest. Ivan set the boxes down, his expression revealing a hint of skepticism. "I heard rumors from the villagers about the IPC trying to buy our planet," he explained.

Shaking your head dismissively, you countered, "Don't tell me you got that from the weird Grandma down the street! You know she likes to make rumors up for fun." Ivan rolled his eyes, defending his stance. "I mean, look at them, [Name]. Do they look trustworthy to you?"

As the gentle fall breeze whispered through the colorful leaves, you turned your attention back to the peculiarly suited people. They stood amidst the autumnal splendor, dressed in formal attire that hinted at sophistication. Yet, a lingering doubt tugged at you. "But they can't be that bad, right?" you pondered aloud, your gaze returning to Ivan.

"Mama seems to be friends with them," you whispered softly, a touch of reassurance in your voice. "And Papa is also getting the hang of them. I think you're just overreacting." The crisp air carried the scent of fallen leaves as you stretched a little.

As Ivan groaned and facepalmed, the golden hues of the sunset enveloped the scene, casting a warm, nostalgic glow over the siblings. "Of course you wouldn't get it, you're like what? 7 years old?" Ivan remarked, his words harmonizing with the soft whispers of the evening breeze.

Offended, you huffed, "Actually turning 8 in 3 months!" With a hand on your hips and a determined stance, you struck a small confident pose amidst the gentle rustling of leaves. Ivan just deadpanned at you- obviously not taking you seriously, "Close enough," as he resumed the task of picking up boxes.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with a canvas of warm oranges and pinks, Ivan's concern lingered. Gazing at the breathtaking view, he spoke, "But seriously, we need to be careful, you know?" The sunset's glow intensified, casting a nostalgic ambiance that seemed to echo the fleeting moments of childhood.

Looking at you with a soft smile, Ivan shared his deeper thoughts, "Because I don't want to lose all of this. I don't want to give out our planet's beauty to some randoms from the sky. Do you?" The air held a bittersweet essence, and as you looked down, shivering slightly in the cold wind, the leaves danced in a melancholic rhythm, echoing the passage of time. "Of course not! Everything was given to us by Adrillhah!" you exclaimed, your words carrying a hint of innocence. Ivan chuckled, correcting, "Idrila." He then playfully poked your forehead.

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