tell me i'm a wreck//every avenue

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tell me i'm a wreck//every avenue

Calum threw a vase towards Luke, the glass shattering against their kitchen wall. "You're cheating on me!" Cal yelled. His face was red, veins popping out of his neck. His hands were clenched in fists as his eyes filled with pure hated and rage.

"Babe, calm down," Luke said, holding his hands out in front of him.

"You're ruining Michael's life and you don't give two shits!" Calum yelled once more. He picked up a dirty plate, flinging it towards the blonde's head once more. "Is Michael not enough for you?! Was he ever, you fucking bastard?!"

Luke didn't want another glass object shattered near him in fear that one would land on him. He was too scared to take a step forward, but he knew he couldn't stand in the middle of their kitchen like a target. Most people would wait for the storm to roll over, they'd wait for the other to calm down. But, Luke knows Calum doesn't calm down. It will only get worse. "Of course Michael is enough for me, I love him." His words were slow as they bled lies.

"His fucking best friend?! You couldn't have done better than that! You asshole!" Another plate was thrown and Luke wasn't sure where all the plates are coming from, he didn't know they had so many glass objects.

"You need to calm down and let me have this conversation with Michael." Luke looked up at the boy, it looked like Michael, but he knew it was not. Even though he saw the green eyes shining, he knew it was only out of pain.

"Don't you realize he can't handle it all?! We all knew you were a cheating bastard, but we didn't know you were stupid enough to let him leave obvious marks!" He threw his body into a chair, his elbows on the table as he ran a hand through his hair. His hair was greasy and stuck together, Calum wondered if Michael has washed his hair since he's been gone.

Luke jumped over shards of glass as he made his way to their breakfast table. He sat down slowly and cautiously in the opposite seat. He didn't see anything else Calum could possible throw or stab into Luke's body. "I'm not cheating on Michael," he lied.

"Ashton already read your messages weeks ago, don't fucking lie to me."

Luke mentally swore to himself as he retraced every conversation with Jack in his mind, trying to figure out a lie to cover himself up. "It's not what you think."
"You little bitch," Calum spit, "It's exactly what we think and you know that. Maybe you're the one in need of meds." He raised his head, dark green eyes staring at Luke like he was death himself.

Luke has never seen his partner sit so still, he's never seen his face fall so low. "I'm not cheating on you, or Michael, or Ashton, or whoever the hell you feel like being," he tried again. He reached out a hand, placing it over Calum's hand.

Cal flinched away. "I will fucking kill you," he threatened, and Luke knew he wasn't joking.

The younger blonde refused to give in, he refused to confess. The personalities have lied before, he hoped and prayed they were lying again. Maybe Michael didn't know about his affair, it was just the personalities starting up a storm they didn't need to. "You need to be left alone for a while. Why don't you go take a nice bath, or something?" Luke's voice was pleasant, like a preschool teacher.

"Admit it, you dirty fucker."

Luke shook his head from left to right, "If Michael is convinced I'm cheating on him, then he can talk to me about it. I am not having this conversation with you."

Calum stood up, his tall frame broad over Luke's relaxed body. He leant over, his hands flat on the table. Luke could feel Calum's breath on his neck. He stayed stagnant, afraid to move. "If you don't admit it right now, I swear, I will end you."

"Would you really ruin Michael's life like that? Huh? You'd be a self-indulgent child and take away the only thing he loves?" Luke shot back. He stood up himself, making the height difference obvious.

Calum's eyes followed him around the table until the blonde stood to the side of him. "You psychopath, Michael doesn't need you."

"Listen," Luke put his hands on Calum's back, his fingers massaging the tight muscles, "I've known Mike for quite some time now, you are 1/3 of him. You know what that means?" He paused, waiting for the chilling effect to wash over. "It means I know you, too. I know your weaknesses, I know your fears. I can end your life just as quick as you can end mine, maybe even quicker."

Calum pushed him off, but Luke attached himself again.

"I can make your death look like an accident, am I wrong? Mentally ill man found dead by self-inflict. Doesn't that seem like a reasonable headline? I sure think so," Luke snarled. He could feel Calum's body shaking in fear. "Trust me, baby boy, you don't control me anymore."

Calum's back muscles fell weak as he closed his eyes. He could feel them watering without his control. Calum, the one who has been so strong for so long, started to cry. He was weeping like a child as he collapsed back into his chair.

Luke took a step back, his heart pounded and ached, but he couldn't give in. He straightened his back and grabbed his keys off the counter. "I'm going to work, I'll be home at three." He slid on his shoes by the front door. Then, with a click of the door, Calum was left alone.

He continued to let out genuine cry of pain, of heartbreak. His body was shaking as he moaned in agony. He, too, felt the heartbreak that Michael-wherever he may be-was feeling. Calum loved Luke, as well as Ashton, as well as Michael. Knowing he wasn't good enough for his lover was the worst thing Cal could possibly imagine.

He wiped his nose and eyes with the sleeve of his crew neck. It was his fault, he knew it was all his fault. He was violent, he's tried to harm Luke simply for the joy of his reaction. He felt the need to send a reminder to the blonde that he owned Luke. Calum didn't like the roles being reversed, he didn't like feeling the way Luke felt for two decades.

His life was a mess as he tried to find a way to stop the pain filling his veins. He wiped his eyes. Ashton opened his eyes.

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