tear in my heart//twenty one pilots

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tear in my heart//twenty one pilots

"Ow, ow, ow," Michael sneered. 

Luke turned his head, looking at his husband with sleepy eyes. "You okay?" He asked between a yawn.

"My back hurts," he whined.

Luke rolled over in bed, scooting closer to his husband. He rested his head on Michael's comfortable arm, felling asleep once more. 

Mike rolled his eyes, "So helpful."

Luke continued to leave breathy snores out of his nose, his breath slow and deep. His alarm went off five minutes later, waking him with a jump. 

The older man rolled his eyes. "Every morning," Michael sighed at his childish husband. 

Luke looked over his shoulder, glaring at the older man. He leant over, sliding the alarm on his phone off and then laying back in bed. He blinked pretty blue eyes at his husband, a pink smile on his lips. 

"My body hurts."

"Don't look at me, I didn't do anything."

Michael turned over, cringing at pain needles shot through his nerves. He got on his side, now facing Luke.

Luke opened his eyes more, realizing he was actually in pain. "Wait, where does it hurt?"

"You're a music engineer, not a doctor," he snarled, resting his head on his hands. 

"Fuck you, I'm trying to help and you're being a cock." Luke got out of bed, tucking Michael in once more. "Just stay here, I'll find something." He pulled on a dirty tee-shirt before heading downstairs. 

The stairs creaked, the wind was blowing outside, Alex's alarm was going off. He flicked on a few lights, it was still grey outside. 

Their cat sat on the counter, flipping her tail as she waited for her breakfast. She let out a quiet sound as Luke walked past her, swiping a hand over her two ears. "Don't sass me, I'm going."

He turned on the coffee machine, preparing two cups for him and his lover. The cat followed him through the kitchen, rubbing her face against his ankles. Luke rolled his eyes as he started to pull out her cat food, doing his normal routine. 

His life was a routine. 

Michael tried to sit up, the creaking in his back shooting pain through his veins. He tried not to yelp up as he made his way out of bed. 

He held one hand behind his back as he headed to the en suite bathroom. He flicked the light on, the bulb illuminating the room and triggering his headache. This is what he felt like during his two pregnancies, just fatigued and always in pain. 

Mike turned on the bath water, warm liquid falling from the tab and filling their oval-shaped tub. He stripped off his shirt, trying to stretch out his sore ligaments. He pushed off the rest of his clothes, taking a small step into the shiny white bath. 

The water molded against his body as he rested his neck against the curve. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. 

Luke gave Alex the keys, "If you go anywhere except school and home, I swear to God..." he trailed off. 

"What, Daddy? You swear to God what?" She raised her arched eyebrows, a smile on her face.

Luke flicked her shoulder. "Don't be late." He kissed her on the head, moving to Alex next. "I'll see you both at 3:15 on the dot."

They made their way out the door, their heads down as sleep deprivation was still washing over them. School sucked, they knew it. 

Luke left a kiss on the cat's head too as he went to the fridge, grabbing a bowl of freshly-prepared fruit and a few napkins. His bare feet made its way back up the stairs once again. 

It was still grey outside and Luke could feel his eyes falling lower and lower. He opened their bedroom door, finding Mike in the bath, the warm water steaming the mirror. 

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Luke asked, kneeling on the side of the tub. He placed the fruit on the ground, reaching a hand into the water to feel the jets pushing out steamy hot water. 

"Terrible," he answered, his eyes closed. Michael kicked his feet up on the edge of the tub, water falling off of his pale, hairy toes. 

Luke picked up the bowl, ushering it in Mike's direction. The older boy opened one dark eye, picked a handful of blueberries, then closed his eyes once more. "What kind of terrible? Is it Ashton or Calum or do you just think a cold?"

Michael shrugged his shoulders. He ate the blue fruit in tiny bites, he was afraid of throwing it all back up. 

Luke reached over, turning off the tab as he stood up. 

The way their bathroom was laid out had the whole room being just counters, pretty much. Next to the large bath was a small ledge made for towels or storage. There were pink flowers in a white vase against the corner, Luke sat next to them, placing the bowl of breakfast close to the edge in case Mike wanted more. 

He leant over, smelling the flowers. "What the fuck, are these fake?" Luke asked when not a single scent came out. 

"I accidentally killed the original a few years ago, I didn't think you'd notice if I bought fake ones instead." A giggle left Michael's lips as he thought of the memory. 

"Jesus Christ," Luke chuckled. He bent his knees, wrapping his arm around his shins and resting his head in between. "Has the maid been watering fake flowers?"

Michael nodded. 

The two sat in silence once more, the only sound filling the room was Michael's slow breaths and the buzzing of the overhead lights. Luke was the first to ruin the peace and quiet, "Do you want me to stay here with you?"

"You don't have to. I'll be fine alone."

Luke was afraid to leave Michael alone. He felt like every time he left the older boy alone, Calum came back. The blonde has this theory that Cal is Michael's rage towards Luke. He comes when Luke leaves, he comes when Mike feels alone and unloved. "I'm gonna take a vacation day, let me just go call in. I'll rub your feet when I get back."

Michael smiled. He loved his husband. 

(a/n) fuck it, triple update

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