wow i can get sexual too//say anything

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wow i can get sexual too//say anything

Michael woke up with Luke at his side. He breathed in heavily as he opened and closed his eyes a few times. He looked over at Luke, his nose was pressed to Mike's chest as his mouth was open lightly. Small breaths were falling from his dry lips.

Michael patted his back a few times before rolling over. He was met with a sore feeling in his lower half. "Dude, what the fuck?"

Luke opened one eye, the color of the sea flashing back at Mike. "Hm?" His tongue licked over his chapped lips, a dry croak leaving his throat.

"Did you do it with one of them?"

The blonde nodded, "Ashton said it was okay with you." Luke rolled onto his back, stretching out his arms and legs. He flexed his toes, his feet hanging off the edge of the bed.

Michael scrunched up his eyebrows, his voice raising, "I told you to never trust them! You should know this by now!"

Luke sat up, suddenly wide away with an adrenaline rush. Running a hand through his hair and spoke an apology, "I'm sorry. I thought they changed." His back was bent, showing the obvious red lines up and down his back. 

"Why would you do that?" Michael asked, his voice shaking. 

Luke looked over at his partner, watching water collecting around his eyes. "Hey, hey. Baby, I'm really sorry. I—I don't know why I let it happen." He crawled over to Michael, wrapping his legs around his waist and holding him closely. 

Michael rested his head on Luke's shoulder, his body shaking. "I'm so fucked up."

Luke shushed him, dragging his hands through the matted hair. "No, you are not. You are amazing in every way, these personalities don't make you any less of a great, loving human."

"I'm so sorry you have to put up with this."

The blonde moved back a bit so he was facing his husband. He put his cold hands on either side of Michael's face, rubbing his thumb up and down the prominent cheek bones. "If I couldn't handle it, don't you think I would have left years ago? I love you for who you are, and your personalities are just part of that."

Michael rested his head on Luke's shoulder again, tears falling down his face and landing on Luke's skin. "How have you put up with me for this long? I don't understand."

"Do you remember when we met? I was that scared thirteen year old about to wee his pants, and you were this tough fifteen year old with a tattoo and lip ring."

Michael laughed, "I used to show that one tattoo off so much." He looked at his arm, the phases of the moon drawn across his veins. 

Luke pressed his hand over the drawn-upon skin. "It was that music class with that annoying teacher. You were always getting me in trouble."

"I just really liked you."

Luke smiled, glad to see the frown leaving Mike's face. "You got him fired."

"Nuh-uh! It was 'early-retirement'. He called you stupid, he deserves to rot in hell." Michael looked up at his husband, he can still see the little thirteen year old in blue jeans and a grey douche bag v-neck. He could still see the red blush rising to his cheeks and the blonde fringe falling in front of his eyes. 

"But look at us now. We own the third most successful record company, we have two beautiful children, and we have each other. He's still in the middle of nowhere living on a teachers pension."

Mike laughed, wrapping his arms around Luke's waist and pecking his lips. "Do you remember our first date?"

The blonde laughed loudly, yet quickly quieted down when he remembered the sleeping children only a hallway away. "My mother hated you and your bright hair and facial piercings and ripped clothes."

He tsked, "Even after I brought you lilies, and got you home before curfew. What a shame."

Luke giggled like a school girl at the memory. "But, I ended up marrying you. You were my first everything, and I know you're gonna be my last, too."

Michael rested his forehead against Luke's, pecking softly at his lips every few seconds. He left a kiss on the corner of his mouth, loving the laugh coming from his lover's mouth. "Sometimes I think of the bad memories more than the good ones."

"Then don't," Luke said, "Think of the time we skipped school to suck each other off in your car. Or the first ultrasound for Alex. Think about the stupid road trips we went on, or when I finally got a ring on your finger. There are so many happy times, you've just gotta keep going in hopes of more." 

"Would you really leave me if I didn't get back on the meds?" He whispered, tilting his head down until his lips were pressed to Luke's collarbones. 

He sighed, he didn't know what to say. He didn't want to say no and have Michael thinking that borderline abusing Luke was okay. But he didn't want to say yes either. "I don't know. I love you to death, you are my forever, but I don't want Alex and Nick growing up in that type of home."

Michael nodded. 

Luke climbed off of him, stepping out of bed and sliding a pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt on. He stretched once more, his muscles stretching, his bones cracking. "I'm gonna go make breakfast. I might have to go in to work later today."

Mike nodded, looking down at his hands. "Okay, I'll be down in a few."

He stared at the walls of their spacious bedroom, trying to get the memories of their cupcake phased relationship back. But he barely remembers them, sometimes, he isn't sure if he was even himself those days. 

He remembers sneaking Luke out of school. The seventeen year old was whining about missing Honors Algebra 2. "I'm already failing. I need this class." Michael just smirked at the junior as he leant against his car. 

"But, Baby, I need you." Sure, Mike was supposed to be down the road at University. He missed Luke often, Luke was the better half of him. 

Michael can remember finding out he was pregnant with Alexandria. He was twenty one, he had no college degree. He was a mess. He remembers holding it off as long as he could, he didn't want Luke to fly home. The blonde was only nineteen, his life was barely starting while Mike already ruined his. 

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