It took a few seconds but soon enough their footsteps were following hers, and then they were ahead of her. "Second floor," she said, putting her hand to her ribs. "Go left. Get to the elevators."

"Hey, you good?" Jakob looked down at her, frowning as Elizabeth stopped again. She winced visibly but didn't say anything, grabbing the handrail instead and leaning against it. "Elle?"

"I'm fine. Don't wait up. The elevators sit near the front door. You can get out that way."

"What the hell is taking so long?" Hobbs snapped. "Get your ass up, Shaw, and let's go. We don't have time to—"

Another breath and Elizabeth was taking the steps one at a time, forcing herself forward. Jakob could see the pain in her eyes, the determination; no matter what happened today, she wouldn't back down even if it killed her. Going off the way she was touching her side, that very might well be what happened.

Because Cipher didn't need him to kill Elizabeth, did she? Point Shaw in a certain direction, unleash her, and she would practically do the job herself.

"Let's get this over with, shall we?" Elizabeth said, walking up past Luke. "Elevators are this way..."

She looked up at the door to the second floor, not too far away now, and frowned at a flash of blonde hair going past. From the back, she might have said it was Hattie, but that was insane, right? Her sister was somewhere in the UK, not here, even if Elizabeth had called her several times now in the hopes that Hattie might be able to help their brothers find Sam.

"You saw it too," Luke said, catching up to her, "didn't you?"

"I don't know what the hell I just saw."

"Yeah, you do." What were the odds of it being a coincidence? Surely Elizabeth didn't think some random blonde would be walking around while half a damn army was downstairs. "She's here."

It could've been anyone. No matter what Luke insisted, she'd be sceptical up until the moment there was irrefutable proof in front of her.

Proof that would come all too soon. Luke hustled them to the second floor then all three pulled their helmets on, hiding their faces before they stepped through the doorway. Elizabeth took point once more, leading the way to the elevators.

They were almost there, almost in the clear, when Luke heard it.

Elizabeth did too if the way she hesitated was any indication. She turned, looking behind her for a brief second, then jabbed the elevator button. Every second they stood there, Luke's heart skipped a beat. How long had it been since he and Hattie were in the same room? Since she made that promise and sealed it?

There was no mistaking her voice or the lilt of Hattie's London accent. Neither could he forget the sound of her laugh or the look of her smile. Luke certainly couldn't forget their first fight when she nearly choked him out with her leg.

Glancing back, Luke smiled under his helmet just before she turned around to look at him. In that instant, the elevator doors opened and Luke found himself pulled inside.


Hattie's shout faded into nothing as their descent toward the first floor began. The uneasy seconds ticked by until the elevator doors slid open, revealing the lobby, just as the adjacent stairwell door was thrown open and Hattie rushed out to intercept him.

To intercept...them.

Jakob exited the elevator first, making a beeline for the hotel's front door before anyone could react. Luke wasn't quite so fast, and neither was the woman beside him. For reasons unknown, they'd opted to abandon their helmets in the elevator, leaving their faces exposed. 

An Eye For An Eye (Fast & Furious | Hobbs/OFC)Where stories live. Discover now